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Dining In


go blue...
It's getting on that time of year...

Just wanted to start a thread, we have ours this weekend, the 4/C, 3/Cs made a pretty good spoof of TOP GUN (it turned out very well) and the 1/Cs, 2/Cs whipped something up at the last moment that should be good as well.

Just curious to see how other units enjoy the night, and maybe an opportunity for senior members to share some stories from their day.



Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Only the seniors have a mess night a couple nights before graduation/commissioning at our unit. From what I hear it's basically a time for every stupid thing you've done over your 4 years to be rehashed so I look forward to it :)

Intruder Driver

All Weather Attack
Not applicable any more, but the best toast I ever heard at a dining in or dining out was Intruder Ball (west coast) 1980, when a squadron CO, after the toasts to the president, queen of England, Navy, Marine Corps, etc., stood up and said, in a very distinguished voice, "Mr. President, I'd like to propose a toast to the women of Olangapo!"

You can imagine how the place went wild (wives not included in the wild applause and back slapping).


Registered User
well I was just appointed Mr. Vice.

Does anyone have any good, generic punishments to use against offenders with less scandalous histories?

Fezz CB

Not applicable any more, but the best toast I ever heard at a dining in or dining out was Intruder Ball (west coast) 1980, when a squadron CO, after the toasts to the president, queen of England, Navy, Marine Corps, etc., stood up and said, in a very distinguished voice, "Mr. President, I'd like to propose a toast to the women of Olangapo!"

You can imagine how the place went wild (wives not included in the wild applause and back slapping).


My folks told me about that place. Had it not been for Olangapo, many of my friends would have never been born :D


livin' life
We have ours April 12th at a local restuarant/bar. 40 Bucks gets us dinner, open bar, and a cigar. Midshipmen Fund picks up the rest!


Registered User
I was recently told the following...

"I'm tasking you with this...you...yeah, you. When I was younger I remember there being a requirement to have one armed officer at the dining-in. There had to be one officer with a saber. Find out if that's a legitimate tradition."

So does anyone know?


I Can Has Leadership!
well I was just appointed Mr. Vice.

Does anyone have any good, generic punishments to use against offenders with less scandalous histories?

The Grog Pot. When someone leaves an unfinished beverage, regardless of alcohol content, it gets poured into a pot. You can also add beverages for violating any rules you deem fit. Grog is also added for each and every toast.

After a sizeable portion of Grog has accumulated, any person who commits an offense SHALL drink from the pot at your ruling.

At the end of the night, the most junior members of the Mess (age or rank, your choice) are tasked with disposing of any excess Grog. It is their chois as to the disposal method, but the preferred method of disposal is oral ingestion.

I'll see if I can dig up the rules of the Grog some of my friends and I used at some of our parties.


Well-Known Member
We just make the grog an noxious mix of alcohols and other liquids.

The unfinished drink part, not so good for some health (not healthy, think disease health) reasons.


I Can Has Leadership!
The unfinished drink part, not so good for some health (not healthy, think disease health) reasons.

Yeah... I agree... but we never got sick... the only issues that ever arose for us were some of the absolute worst hangovers ever.

Either way, I see the inherent health risks from a Grog Pot... but then how many of us enjoy a good round or two of Kings... just a different manifestation of the same basic idea.


go blue...
We had an alcoholic grog with different types of spirits (which actually tasted pretty good), then for the underage members we had a non-alcoholic version, which consisted of death.