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Dining In


getting salty...
I'll probably regret this later but oh well.....

The only way to go to a dining-in as a senior is in hawaiian shorts and flip flops. (please excuse the really really really gay njrotc ribbons)



Well-Known Member
Don't you ditch the ghey JNROTC crap once you are in "real" ROTC?

You look like an AF homo with all that crap...


Making Recruiting Great Again
The seniors here had a cigar social with the CO. The skipper gives them all a Cuban (probably) and have a social about their time at NROTC and the future awaiting.


We actually had decent dining ins during ROTC. The guard unit at Mather Field let us use one of their hangars and we proceeded to make a mess. We used a toilet bowl as the grog bowl.. unfortunately no alcohol so it was some of the nastiest concoction of crap and many would run to the bathroom to vomit afterwards. Each squadron also had its own skits and NO subject was off limits, along with the random water gun and balloon fights.


Well-Known Member
I figure it's time to weigh in, since I'm a veteran of a number of dining ins/outs/mess nights. I've been Mr. Vice, a member of the mess, and just a guest. Some suggestions:

1. Alcoholic grog: Buy the cheapest (we're talking CHEAP) liquor you can find, 'cause it tastes disgusting. The simple fact that you're mixing up so many different varieties of it makes it disgusting too. Throw in some creamy stuff that will curdle (use Lime Juice and Baileys), maybe some onions, hot sauce, etc... It will be gross - remember, it's punishment.

2. Non-Alcoholic grog: Take the gloves off. Put anything you can think of in there. Start with water, juice or milk (some sort of liquid). Then put any combination of the following in: Chocolate Syrup, Honey, Peanut Butter, Hot Sauce, Salt, Pepper, Onions, Mint, Jalapeno Peppers, Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Jam/Jelly, Mayonnaise, Chicken Breast (cooked of course), Yogurt, Lettuce, Pineapples, Ground Beef (cooked again), Vinegar, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice, etc... Be creative! Clean out the refrigerator (but don't put in expired stuff, you don't want people to ACTUALLY get sick - think food poisoning). Guaranteed yak-fest/heartburn...

3. Fines. Make sure they are all in the $0.25-$1.00 range. Most people will think to bring change, and then forget. Don't make change. The Bar tab will grow exponentially that way.

4. Put them on the spot. Make them compose and sing a song about their transgression on the spot, make them do something as a reponse to their transgression that requires quick thinking/reflexes. When they suck (and they will) send them to the grog.

5. Shoot the boot. One of my favorites. Take your shoe off, put alcoholic or non-alcoholic grog in it. Add your disgusting item of choice and require offender to drink from it. At the TBS mess night, I was told by a grunt that air contracts are pussies. HAD to defend my future community, and told him to get bent, and that I'd prove we weren't pussies. My SPC's very sweaty Fram came off, Beer, Cigar Ash, Pubes, and Loogies quickly entered. Didn't bat an eye as I downed it. Nope - we're not pussies.

At the most recent dining out, I ended up attending in uniform (even though I was out, and was there as a "spouse"). The reason was because they weren't going to toast the USMC unless I was in uniform. In the USMC, we ALWAYS toast the Navy, so I assumed the Navy would as well... Anyway - got called an Army Capt by some Navy LTJG when he was being fined (I was called out because I was sneaking back in after ordering a Pizza from Dominos for the Admiral at the head table). He got a double grog hit for that one, but then that opened the door for me to be punished. Was sent to the Grog for being a Marine, so I stormed to the grog bowl in grand fashion, grabbed a cup, and dunked it in (most people had been drinking 1/3-1/2 of the cup - not me!). Before I could drink, the wife's CO said that he had seen others with Eagle, Globe & Anchors on that evening, and that they should join me. I'm now standing up there with the Bartender (a former Marine), and someone's wife (whose son was in the Marine Corps, and she was wearing an EGA pin). Downed my cup. Sit down. Immediately get called up for the "Joint Ops" grog hit, and now I'm downing a second (full) glass with an Army guy and an Air Force guy. Man did I have a hangover the next morning...

My only question was, it's her command - why the hell didn't my wife go to the grog, and I went twice?!?


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
After drinking the grog you had to turn your cup over your head to show it was empty. As we had only grog w/alcohol and I was a designated driver at our last dining out, I just walked up and emptied the whole nasty cup on my head. My whites were freakin' nasty after a few trips up there, but the dry cleaners came through.

I'm just glad I wasn't pulled over on the way home as I was stinky with booze!


Registered User
i was nrotc in boston .... uniform for the event was dress blues. all of us Marines showed up in desert marpats. For this flagrant violation of the dress code, our CO ordered all of us to remove any uniform item we had on that was marked with our names (he was thinking trousers and blouse). Once we all got down to our skivvies he was wondering what the hell was going on, so we of course explained that Marines mark LITERALLY every piece of gear we own. good times.

buy a toilet for your grogue bowl, has a good effect.