It's not that big a deal, call me crazy I'd just rather pay back my student loan and save some money. I was just wondering if I'd need a car. Sounds like I will.
You can afford to do both easily. Just don't be 'that guy' and never hang out/have fun because you are eating ramen noodles trying to save all your money. You will have expenses you are expected to pay throughout your Navy career that aren't 'official' but still expected to include wardroom bills, farewell gifts, flowers for new Moms, formal dinners and balls and just dinners out with the wardroom. We had a few guys that would complain about every little expense because they were trying to save money and in my first squadron we even had one guy who never went out, ever, even on deployment making lots of per diem because he didn't want to 'waste' his money. Being social is a big part of life in a squadron, not everyone is expected to buy drinks for the bar every night or blow $100 on every meal but if you are anti-social and/or exceedingly cheap it is noted by your peers and sometimes the bosses.
Not saying any of the above this applies to you but just a friendly note of what will be expected of you money-wise.
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