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DoD proposes doubling out of pocket medical costs


Used to Care
Secnav is a political appointee that is going to carry out the agenda of its administration. The Obamas of the world have no frame of reference for what it is that we do as a career military person. There are several pieces of this puzzle, all of which have been discussed previously. I feel that we are fairly compensated, but not generously. Our retirement is fair for a career field where you are forced to move up or move out after a certain number of years. It often forces the service member to start a new career at 40 years old, often with little tangible skills or experience that directly translate to civvy life.
The fact is, personnel costs have started crowding out ultra expensive pet acquisition projects and operating costs that are indicative of over a decade of war. Do changes have to be made? Sure, I am all for a leaner operation. I just feel there are many other places (flag billets for a start) where there is low hanging fruit that can be cut along with traditional personnel costs.
Seems like someone needs to make a tough choice with personnel costs, but if they do, they should follow the advice of the expert impartial panel and make it for new accessions or trim other things that are frankly just wasteful. Cutting the pay and benefits of your existing personnel is short sighted and will create mistrust and poor morale.