And was broke as a joke. There's going to be A LOT of Marines that are going to be shocked when we don't have unlimited funds for stupid shit...
No joke. We were broke as shit in the mid-late 90s.
A few examples: I am by no means "Old Corps," but in my earlier days (in KBay), I lived in WWII-era barracks (considered "Gucci" because they weren't open squad bays), with absolutely zero budget for anything. Shit paper, cleaning supplies (even for the common areas), and light bulbs (including fluorescent ceiling ones) were all paid for by Marines out of pocket. It wasn't uncommon for Marines to live in the dark rather than spring for fluorescent light bulbs.
Our gyms were converted squad bays with some free weights. Our field gear consisted of Vietnam-vintage ALICE packs and 782 gear. Our "re-enlistment bonuses" included nothing more than the opportunity to go to jump or SERE schools, and those were only given to the "best" re-enlistees. (Read: Most got Jack and Shit.)
Fortunately, I wasn't in a flying squadron then...I shudder to think what that must've been like.
It was an embarrassing, dangerous time, and I hoped we'd never return to it.
Since we're about to re-enter that period, I suggest we start taking care of our stuff, because when our grandkids are Marines, they're still going to be using our ILBEs, shooting our M-16A4s, and flying in what will then be called "vintage" MV-22s.