Students attending Texas A&M University at Galveston have many benefits of students attending the College Station campus. Sea Aggies, or Sea Ags, may purchase tickets for all sporting events, fine arts performances and concerts held in College Station. Degrees are awarded from Texas A&M University in College Station and Sea Aggies receive the same Aggie ring of which they have the option to attend the ring ceremony in College Station.
Oops. Maybe you should have "hid" until you knew what you were talking about. But it's cool that you aren't a bandwagon fan. I bet you would insult a kid about his education no matter how your favorite football team performs.
I didn't know the whole story thus the two questions within my post. I guess the smiley followed by a "seriously" got lost in the banter. Thanks for the Sea aggie explanation copied from wiki. FWIW, I never insulted him about the education he would receive...just about being an aggie. The world needs ditch diggers too.

I keed. I keed.
I am just pissed I will miss every game this year for my voluntold IA....and no, my season tickets are already spoken for so don't anyone ask for them
