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Does Major matter for Marine ROTC


New Member
I have been reading that to pick up a NROTC scholarship u need to basically be in a Tech major. Does the Marine ROTC scholarship put as much pressure on Tech majors or focus more on GPA,PFT..etc


I have been reading that to pick up a NROTC scholarship u need to basically be in a Tech major. Does the Marine ROTC scholarship put as much pressure on Tech majors or focus more on GPA,PFT..etc

You definitely did not not read that here...

Look at a jelly bag of donuts, if you have nothing in common with it, in a year you should be able to pick up a scholarship.

Also why would they put pressure on tech majors?:D


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
You definitely did not not read that here...

Look at a jelly bag of donuts, if you have nothing in common with it, in a year you should be able to pick up a scholarship.

Also why would they put pressure on tech majors?:D

WTF is a jelly bag of donuts? Also, I would not say that it's easy to pick up a scholarship either.


WTF is a jelly bag of donuts? Also, I would not say that it's easy to pick up a scholarship either.

Jelly bag of donuts: It's our Gunnys way of saying "a sack of shit." I also think its a reference to that scene in FMJ where the pull the jelly donut out of piles footlocker.

And I agree you may not get the scholarship in a year but if you work hard at it then things will fall into place.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Out of the 20-25 MECEPs/Marine Option MIDNs here in my unit, 2 of them are engineering and one other is a computer science major. So my guess is no.

On the Navy side, I don't think tech majors matter much either. We have a theatre major here and he got into the program easily.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Speaking of MECEPs. 50% of the meceps at my unit are art majors.


.....Does Major matter for Marine ROTC......

Basically ... no.

Mine didn't matter .... He even tried to get me kicked out of NROTC (3 times) and sent to the Fleet as a Seaman Deuce when I dropped the Marine Option.

He had no sense of humor, whatsoever ... I saw him @ 5 years ago ... he still doesn't have a sense of mirth when it comes to me. :)


Does the Marine ROTC scholarship put as much pressure on Tech majors or focus more on GPA,PFT..etc

At my school...killing was as non-technical major and the Marine Corps seemed ok with that....:D

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
NAVY=Never Again Volunteer Yourself

I was a Marine Option Scholarship as an Econ major.

MARINE = My A$$ Rides In Navy Equipment :D

The Marine majors are just as varied as the Navy ones. Anywhere from Engineering to PoliSci. Technical major matters less to the Marines I believe, but it's been a while since I've been in ROTC.
You don't have to be smart to kill. At our unit, it's almost encouraged for the marine options to take easy majors so that they can focus on their PT and training.