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Downright pathetic


Everyone leave, I have to poop. NOW!!!
I honestly don't know what to say about this, other than hoorah for the bikers. I don't have a problem with people expressing their opinions, but at military funerals? That is down right disrespectful, and grounds for a "wall-to-wall counseling."


Whenever Ms Phelps-Roper dies, I'll be forming a group to go piss on her grave. Anyone else interested? :icon_rage


This is morbid beyond my capacity for rational thought. God bless the bikers who protect the families from a protest that's flat out bizarre. It doesn't even make sense to me to protest their message at a funeral.


The future of the Supply Corps
I was just about to post about this. You beat me to it Snacks, kudos to you. I'm going to not only join, but also donate to their cause. God bless them for shielding these grieving families from these ****ing not-soon-enough-to-be-burning-in-hell *******s, and for reminding them that there are still people who care and appreciate what their loved ones did, and still love and appreciate what they died to defend.

In case you didn't see the link at the bottom of the news story page:


As far as I'm concerned, these people are just as bad as the other religious extremists we are militarily fighting right now in the Middle East and all over the world.

Get the **** out of my country, you misguided pieces of ****, and don't look back.


Registered User
This guy has been around for a while, and his whole motivation is to provoke violence and then sue. I don't know if it'd be more or less disgusting if he actually believed the things he says.


Barnard1425 said:
My response was to grab my close friend (a guy) and go over and pose for a picture while holding hands in front of them.

I'll take "Things NOT to post on Facebook/myspace" for $500 Alex. :)


Really old guy
A freind of mine is one of the bikers...ex VN Vet, HA(L)-3 kind of a guy. He said they were quite vocal and not in the mood to take crap from phelps.

It is disgusting those folks do in the name of Christianity.


It seems these Phelps people and their lackeys need a good hard punch to the face. Or perhaps a roundhouse kick to the face, Chuck Norris-style.


Due to the government,I feel over-stimulated.
Hmmm... if Chuck Norris kicks a Christian in the face, does God also feel the pain? :confused:

Response to Phelps - some people have too much free time and too little common sense. Hey, I live in Orange County - I can tell ya' all about some of the wackos around here.


Well-Known Member
You know as much as I support free speech and the 1st amendment, grave yards durning funeral services should be considered hallowed grounds and off limits to protest or inflamitory demonstration. Sorry, but you have no right speaking your mind about anything during a funeral unless its a calming word to help comfort the family and loved ones in their time of loss.


AEDO livin’ the dream
A reporter in Topeka actually wrote an entire book about Fred Phelps called Addicted to Hate that has entered the public domain due to its being entered into evidence in a trial against Fred. The guy is an absolute maniac beyond everything that has been discussed here so far--he's truly out of his mind, and unfortunately most of his kids are too, and they're even worse.

I also have pictures in front of the protesters at KU after graduation--I think they were there to heckle the KU School of Law who was right after the Engineering graduation...


Pretty much invincible
Scotty-O said:
Hmmm... if Chuck Norris kicks a Christian in the face, does God also feel the pain? :confused:
You're making the assumption that Fred Phelps is a Christian in anything but name.


Registered User
Has anyone ever actually gotten physical with this guy? It seems inevitable that he will get his ass kicked. I first heard of him when I saw him and his group in DC protesting President Reagan's funeral becasue Reagan had a gay friend.

Their schedule of protests is on their website.

Edit: Deleted the site URL.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
spartan03 said:
I first heard of him when I saw him and his group in DC protesting President Reagan's funeral becasue Reagan had a gay friend.
Not to mention a gay (and not coincidentally, liberal) son.



is clara ship
sometimes I think that people who get this worked-up over these types of issues have something personal going on......I wouldn't be suprised if this guy was gay himself, and just couldn't deal w/ it....