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Downright pathetic


The future of the Supply Corps
It should be like on Demlotion Man. You should have to get a license to reproduce.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Lawman said:
You know as much as I support free speech and the 1st amendment, grave yards durning funeral services should be considered hallowed grounds and off limits to protest or inflamitory demonstration. Sorry, but you have no right speaking your mind about anything during a funeral unless its a calming word to help comfort the family and loved ones in their time of loss.

"We admit that in many places and in ordinary times the defendants in saying all that was said in the circular would have been within their constitutional rights. But the character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done. The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic. It does not even protect a man from an injunction against uttering words that may have all the effect of force. The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree. When a nation is at war many things that might be said in time of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight and that no Court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Supreme Court, unanimous opinion, Schenck v United States.

This is not free speech. This is sedition.


is clara ship
AllAmerican75 said:
I doubt he's gay, he has a wife and kids afterall. Jeez, whoever let him reproduce should be imprisoned.

never stopped a lot of people......
but yes, I was just kind of trying to be insulting to the guy...he most likely isn't gay. Either way, he needs a quick shotgun blast to the head:icon_rage
I can't believe what kind of behavior some people will stoop to when they are trying to make a point.....9/11 anyone??


TurnandBurn55 said:
Yeah, great example Chunks... steal it right out of ol' TB55's post, huh? ;)

I was quoting...without quoting. I apologize. I knew I read that somewhere b4 :eek:


AEDO livin’ the dream
sometimes I think that people who get this worked-up over these types of issues have something personal going on......I wouldn't be suprised if this guy was gay himself, and just couldn't deal w/ it....

I think they might have mentioned something to the effect that he was a latent homosexual in Addicted to Hate, the book I mentioned before. Not that it matters much. Hitler was supposedly part Jewish--self hatred can do a world of evil.

I don't know if anyone has gotten physical with the guy or not. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, either. I do know that more than a few of his kids are lawyers (so was he, actually) and they use the law every way they can to do crazy **** around Topeka and other areas.


is clara ship
yeah, that surprises me too.....I would say it is inevitable though

free speech only gets you to the scene of the fight


Naval Aviator
Congress should declare war on the entire family. Either they all accept exile to Iran, which has about the same tolerance for gay people, or the United States immediately cedes their 100 acres to the newly created Commonweath of Religous Nutjobs who Hate Our Citizens and bombs the hell out of them. I'm all for having a totally free-speech mentality, but most of the people involved with revolution and agitprop these days would if given the chance kill all gays, Jews, Catholics, and the like, so it's hard to balance the two. It shouldn't be a crime to be one of these people, but it shouldn't be a crime to make a "citizen's arrest" on one that might or might not turn into a gunfight.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
highlyrandom said:
Congress should declare war on the entire family. Either they all accept exile to Iran, which has about the same tolerance for gay people, or the United States immediately cedes their 100 acres to the newly created Commonweath of Religous Nutjobs who Hate Our Citizens and bombs the hell out of them. I'm all for having a totally free-speech mentality, but most of the people involved with revolution and agitprop these days would if given the chance kill all gays, Jews, Catholics, and the like, so it's hard to balance the two. It shouldn't be a crime to be one of these people, but it shouldn't be a crime to make a "citizen's arrest" on one that might or might not turn into a gunfight.

What's it feel like to invalidate a premise of your argument in the same breath you utter it?

Also, it seems that some of you can't grasp the fact that nowhere in the Constitution is there a clause saying you have the right not to be offended.


Well-Known Member
squeeze said:
Also, it seems that some of you can't grasp the fact that nowhere in the Constitution is there a clause saying you have the right not to be offended.

Tell that to all the christians marching around the midwest and pulling their kids out of schools because they dont like sex ed or science being taught to their children.


Naval Aviator
All right, that premise was half invalidated...let me rephrase. Anti-government speech doesn't bother my legal considerations in the least. What does is the notion that not only is the government corrupt, but that it would be less so if replaced by either the Fourth Reich an absolute theocracy. That's not a Constitutional objection, just a personal one. Hell, if enough people vote for censorship, hiding statues' breasts, and airline security, it's all legal...I just may decide to stay in the military far far overseas in that case. I stopped going to bars where the Bible-thumpers yell at random passers-by because at some point I'd get drunk and lose my military career by punching someone in the gut. So they've won.

Is a court order to keep these people away from military funerals enough? And if so, why is it so difficult to enforce?

At some point we may be facing multiple cities in open rebellion and still within the "law." Look at some parts of Nevada and Utah, where some of these groups are expelling whole generations and practicing not only polygamy but mob-like violence and property takeovers.

These people are heavily armed, have no allegiance to America but instead to a central religious figure, and are borderline terrorists...they don't want a revolution, they just want the theocracy to spread until it absorbs the reasonable parts of the country. You don't need much more than free speech, religious texts, and time to do that. Is it stoppable? Maybe, but maybe not by any legal means. So then what, secession?