I saw this on bupers the other day it should answer any questions on the subject
This change is due to legislation passed in the FY05 NDAA creating an all regular force, beginning 1 May 2005. As a reminder, here are some of the changes:
Beginning 1 May 2005 all initial commissions will be regular.
By 1 May 2006, transition all reserve commissioned officers on the Active Duty List (ADL) to regular officer status provided they meet the requirements for appointment as a regular officer under 10 U.S.C. section 532 (citizen of the United States, able to complete 20 years active commissioned service by 62nd birthday, good moral character, physically qualified, and has such other special qualifications as the Secretary of the military department may prescribe).
All reserve commissioned officers on the ADL who do not meet the requirements of 10 U.S.C section 532 may continue to serve with a reserve commission, pursuant to applicable provisions of policy and law, for no more than 5 years from enactment, 28 Oct 2009, or completion of mandatory active duty service obligation (ADSO) existing on 1 May 2005, whichever is later.
After 28 Oct 2009, all commissioned officers on the ADL must hold a regular appointment; be completing an ADSO incurred on or before 1 May 2005; or have a waiver from Secretary of Defense.