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Drug charge in past (OCS comission)


Registered User
Best advice I can offer is this - Go Navy Air - Stay Away from the Surface Pukes ! Sadly - I received a PNS ( Professor of Naval Science) my sophomore year - I had a great time in school - worked hard - an was accepted into the NFO pipeline. Then I got the famous and dreaded "NAMMI Whammy" - IE Med downed - and was forced to go Surface - even though: (1) I knew who my parents were and (II) they were actually married to each other. I have to tell you - the SWO community is without a doubt the least professional of any community in the Navy - even including the staff corps. My first CO hated me ( he actually told me this to my face) because I was a medical attrite from the NFO program. Fortunately - I was able to appeal my FITREP and have it expunged - but how embarrassing can it get for your first tour of duty...


Well-Known Member
I have to tell you - the SWO community is without a doubt the least professional of any community in the Navy - even including the staff corps. My first CO hated me ( he actually told me this to my face) because I was a medical attrite from the NFO program. Fortunately - I was able to appeal my FITREP and have it expunged - but how embarrassing can it get for your first tour of duty...

Somebody has a chip on their shoulder. It is completely professional to talk crap about an entire community, right, shipmate?


Registered User
The guy is correct - I do indeed have a chip on my shoulder - perhaps I should have said..."In my opinion - I found the complete lack of professionalism and petty personal politics to be a major detriment to enjoying my time as a SWO..."


Registered User
One more quick thing - I do have to say one of the most memorable experiences I had in the Navy was being interviewed by Admiral Rickover for the Navy Nuclear Power Program. The guy was way over the edge - brilliant - but way over the edge...


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
One more quick thing - I do have to say one of the most memorable experiences I had in the Navy was being interviewed by Admiral Rickover for the Navy Nuclear Power Program. The guy was way over the edge - brilliant - but way over the edge...

O.K. lets put this in perspective. Not only is it your opinion, but it must be based on a very dated experience. If you interviewed with Rickover then you were a SWO prior to the early '80s. I am her3 to tell you, as someone who has spanned those years in the Navy, that the SWO Navy of today is not your daddies SWO Navy (nor fiftycals). It still ain't for me. They work way too hard. But in terms of professionalism, technical education, and leadership, it is far and away a better community then it ways 20 years ago. Since you are new to AW let me point out that this forum is very authoritative and many wannabes look to it for solid gouge. If you have an opinion to share, fine, just make sure you are up front with your perspective, agenda, and source data. It isn't fair to influence a youngster looking at the Navy with dated, inaccurate personal experiences. Even if it is to do him the favor of keeping him from becoming a SWO;) .


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
My first CO hated me ( he actually told me this to my face) because I was a medical attrite from the NFO program.

Yeah, I'm sure that was all there was to it. That said, I've only been aware of your existence for 45 seconds and I already don't like you.



Registered User
Drug Use in Your past

Best advice I can give is to TELL THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH ! on your records concerning pre-service drug abuse. If you were a occasional user and did once or twice and don't have a record - tell the truth. If you got busted for Marijuana once - tell the truth. The Navy will forgive past indiscretions concerning drug abuse if you don't have a record and weren't incarcerated. They will flat out throw your butt out if you lie to them. I had to get a very high clearance for a specific job. My parents, friends, associates, etc were interviewed. If you lie - they will find out - and if you are willing to lie about a matter such as this - what about when you are entrusted with the most precious and important resource the Navy has - its people!