ok thanks for the info. i would have no problem giving up weed to be a marine officer. anyway, i will inform my OSO soon. thanks
What about the original poster?

ok thanks for the info. i would have no problem giving up weed to be a marine officer. anyway, i will inform my OSO soon. thanks
That's no shit -- and it's obviously bothering you. And that's why you're gonna have to come clean, 'cause if you don't, you are gonna stumble further down the road. Take your hits now, rather than later. ALWAYS tell the truth to UNCLE -- no matter what. Otherwise, you will get bit in the ass somewhere in the future.Dug Myself into a Hole
If that ain't commitment, I don't know what is.i would have no problem giving up weed to be a marine officer.
ok thanks for the info. i would have no problem giving up weed to be a marine officer. anyway, i will inform my OSO soon. thanks
I am overcome by your willingness to sacrifice. Words escape me..... i would have no problem giving up weed to be a marine officer.....
Lucky3 - your profile says you're trying to become an officer. Before you pursue this, you need to gain some integrity and honesty. If you can't, don't bother trying for the commission.No Point in bringing this up. Many recruiters tell you to say no. This is really not a big deal, just stick to your statement. They will never give you a lie detector test or anything like that.
Thanks for all the replies, I did a bit of searching with regards to waivers and MEPS forms and such, and decided to come clean yesterday. My recruiter wasn't happy, but he said he'd do what he could to clear up the mess. He didn't guarantee anything, but hopefully everything goes through all right.
As for smoking weed, it's not a big deal at all for me to never do it again, I think I just misworded it in my original post. I have absolutely no problem never touching it again, it wasn't even that great to begin with. Seagram Seven's still king.
Good man for coming clean. The RIGHT path is rarely easy... However, now you'll never have to sweat about it accidentally coming out...Thanks for all the replies, I did a bit of searching with regards to waivers and MEPS forms and such, and decided to come clean yesterday. My recruiter wasn't happy, but he said he'd do what he could to clear up the mess. He didn't guarantee anything, but hopefully everything goes through all right.
As for smoking weed, it's not a big deal at all for me to never do it again, I think I just misworded it in my original post. I have absolutely no problem never touching it again, it wasn't even that great to begin with. Seagram Seven's still king.