They do now Deuce! StuckThey also don't remember the time I shat my pants on a hump and got the call sign deuce for about 3 years, but that's another story.

They do now Deuce! StuckThey also don't remember the time I shat my pants on a hump and got the call sign deuce for about 3 years, but that's another story.
TBS is the biggest knitting circle/hen house/gossip mill that you will ever go to.
It's a different Navy/MC today. Anything can happen but as far as I know, if you get a DUI/DWI while in flight school, you're done. Old Navy, most likely okay. My old skipper, now Southwest Captain, two DUI's but got out of one DUI I guess.
I am not some bitter guy about it, as I went through unscathed, but I saw damn fine officers get the boot, blemishes on their record, kicked out of flight school, etc. over things that were really not examples of poor judgement. Again, all of us who have been there recently as students have stories of exactly this.
I know of multiple people who got a DUI in advanced (not in Pensacola) and lived to fly another day. Common sense seemed to be used. It was weird.
Yeah, totally agree. i was just commenting about the climate in P'Cola to Sir Bunks Alot.
I was just saying the ball-crushing seemed worse in P'Cola than the other places SNA's reside, thats all. Neither applies to the OP, really, as he isn't in that stage yet.
Just to give you more to worry about......both the FAA (on your medical application) and the airlines will ask if you have ever had a DWI......Will I be discharged and have to find an entry level job at an airline? Thanks again for all your posts.
Sometimes the police will tell them for you, sometimes not. In my case, since I was in the middle of a PCS, my name didn't hit the blotter. It's in your best interest to be open and forthright with your command. Even though it was pending, I still had to go to the classes and whatnot on base and be evaluated for alcohol dependency.It seems like misdeamor charges are often dropped or dismissed in court. Do you have to tell the navy? Or do police tell them for you?