Please. OK, maybe because you have your tollerance built up from shore-basingbunk22 said:Especially since I have yet to meet another aviator type (fighter, strike, helo) that could out party or out drink us :icon_smil

Please. OK, maybe because you have your tollerance built up from shore-basingbunk22 said:Especially since I have yet to meet another aviator type (fighter, strike, helo) that could out party or out drink us :icon_smil
kappu411 said:Mr. bunk... looks like you are the go-to guy in this forum.... but if anyone else knows.. would flying an e-2 qualify for having the sought after wartime rating, (tactical), as oppose to the c-2, and also how does this play into making rank in the future...
Brett327 said:Please. OK, maybe because you have your tollerance built up from shore-basing
mdubs said:Bunk, would you say that the C-2 compares to P-3 in the quality of life aspect? I have heard that C-2 is the Navy's best kept secret, but there are a lot of prior guys that want to go P-3s to be shore based for the opportunity to be home a lot. When on cruise it seems that you get to see a lot of different places that most Navy pilots will never see (island hopping), do you get time to enjoy these places or is it a quick turn around back to the ship? When you go to shore tours, are you pretty much able to do everything (ie T-45, T-34 instructor) or does being a C-2 pilot restrict you in anyway? I am trying to look for a good mix of fun flying and good (relatively) family life and location. It seems P-3s are not that fun to fly but great to have a family and the opposite for jets. Where do you think C-2s fit in this mix? Also if you go E-2/C-2 and are hardcore C-2, do you think you have a pretty good chance of getting it? Thanks again, it is nice to get some anwsers from someone who is actually in your community
HooverPilot said:I classed up this last Monday and I selected C-2!
Now I'm remembering why I hate ground school!
HooverPilot said:I classed up this last Monday and I selected C-2!
Now I'm remembering why I hate ground school!
All I ever hear is bad things.