Frumby. There haven't been an Naval Aviators winged out of Pcola in years. The E2/C2 Advanced moved to Meridian, VT-19 became VT-9, intermediate jets and advanced E2/C2.
To whomever posted that they would like to select C-2s - realize that you do not know if you get C-2s or E-2s until you show up at the RAG. They place you all in a room and tell you what is availabe and where and then allow you to duke it out. If you can't come to a consensus then they decide for you.
C-2s used to be a lot better deal than it is now for one main reason - they didn't stay at the boat nearly as long as the rest of the wing. They would det out of forwrad deployed fields and just make their mail runs to the boat. That has changed - they are spending a lot more time on the boat.
Just my two cents - if you're gonna be tailhooking you might as well be doing it in something tactical.