You'll see a fair amount of competition for strike. Can't vouch as to whether this is still the case (although I don't see any reason they would have changed it), but there is/was a minimum grade cutoff for VAW. It was around a mid-forties NSS if memory serves right. That's why so many guys ended up viewing it has having "gotten drafted" when in reality their classmates weren't eligible. Needs of the Navy first = some that don't want the E-2 get "awarded" it anyway. Breakdown for my E-2 RAG class: I was a student at VT-4, and there were 6 of us I-Grads that wanted E-2s (5 were eligible). At VT-10, all 6 of them didn't. Bizarre world.
Work hard (seriously). You may not be competing for a VAW slot by itself, but your grades, specifically NSS, are still in competition w/ every guy who wants F-model Hornets. You can be smart, but come I-Grad time, if you're in a class of overachievers you may end up going strike regardless of wanting E-2s.
Work hard (seriously). You may not be competing for a VAW slot by itself, but your grades, specifically NSS, are still in competition w/ every guy who wants F-model Hornets. You can be smart, but come I-Grad time, if you're in a class of overachievers you may end up going strike regardless of wanting E-2s.