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E-6 Info


P-3 FO
Does anyone have any info on the E-6 career path. I am up for service selection soon and am researching all my nfo options. There is not much info out there on the E-6.



Could you please list some differences between the E-6 and P-3 in terms of mission (given that the ASW isn't so big anymore, the P-3 and E-6 missions seem quite similar to me). Always wondered how OKC was too. Thanks.


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macattack said:
(given that the ASW isn't so big anymore, the P-3 and E-6 missions seem quite similar to me).

Bold statement by someone who has NO idea.

try again sport
Could you elaborate a little more on why the e-6 is good for a family?? You know I am curious:) I just looked up some real estate in Oklahoma City...wow! Huge difference from what we are used to in va beach. Now the e-6 are only stationed out of Tinker right? Is it that bad there? For a family? My Mom swears Oklahoma is the armpit of America:) She said when she was in Oklahoma, it was the only time in her life she missed our little hometown in Illinois:) ha!


This is why I can't get into Grad School
ryann24 said:
Could you elaborate a little more on why the e-6 is good for a family?? You know I am curious:) I just looked up some real estate in Oklahoma City...wow! Huge difference from what we are used to in va beach. Now the e-6 are only stationed out of Tinker right? Is it that bad there? For a family? My Mom swears Oklahoma is the armpit of America:) She said when she was in Oklahoma, it was the only time in her life she missed our little hometown in Illinois:) ha!

I'll try and answer a few of these...1. AWESOME for family. Right now one of the two squadrons is 3 weeks deployed, 5 weeks home. For your entire tour! (Not sure about the other, but last I heard it was identical.) 2. Real estate there will make you giggle with glee over what it costs the rest of the country to live. 3. Not sure when your Mom was last in OKC, but things have changed there in the last 6-7 years. Very large city with everything you could want and need. If you are looking for a nice easy lifestyle with a GREAT military life, this is it. As always it is what you make of it, but you could do a lot worse in a place to start a family.

p.s. Rand...if that is "Rand" from Germany...PM me!


Yeah, OKC is a pretty nice city with lots to do. The rest of OK (Tulsa excepted) is very rural.
From what it sounds like it is a good gig, but sounds like it is a small community am I correct? Doesn't sound like the most exciting job...I know my husband will be happy with whatever he gets, but I am not sure that would be his first choice. Can you all tell me why the p-3 community is so bad? A neighbor's husband is in that community and she says it is very back stabbing and "don't go into that community". That is kinda scary for me being a new officers wife and all:)


This is why I can't get into Grad School
I won't speak for the P-3 bubba's, but TACAMO (E-6's) is not a small community in the sense of personnel. There are only two squadron's (three if you count the FRS/Wing), but it terms of personnel it houses the largest aviation squadrons in the Navy. We share our "home port" with Tinker AFB, and I'm not sure if you've been on an AF base before, but it ain't bad as far as facilities go :) And to answer your first question...It is an AWESOME gig. It might not be the most exciting, but it is without a doubt a great life.


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ryann24 said:
Can you all tell me why the p-3 community is so bad? A neighbor's husband is in that community and she says it is very back stabbing and "don't go into that community". That is kinda scary for me being a new officers wife and all:)

(A) Come up with some pointed questions and we'll try to answer them. But start a new thread so we don't turn a TACAMO Q and A into something else.

(B) Never rely on one person for information on a community. No offense, but spouses are privy to maybe a third of what is really going on in a squadron. "Back stabbing" doesn't jibe with my experience at all. Sounds like a squadron-specific problem.
zab1001 said:
(A) Come up with some pointed questions and we'll try to answer them. But start a new thread so we don't turn a TACAMO Q and A into something else.

(B) Never rely on one person for information on a community. No offense, but spouses are privy to maybe a third of what is really going on in a squadron. "Back stabbing" doesn't jibe with my experience at all. Sounds like a squadron-specific problem.
sorry to bother ya all with this...guess I should stay in my place...the private spouses corner...:)
pittflyer said:
I won't speak for the P-3 bubba's, but TACAMO (E-6's) is not a small community in the sense of personnel. There are only two squadron's (three if you count the FRS/Wing), but it terms of personnel it houses the largest aviation squadrons in the Navy. We share our "home port" with Tinker AFB, and I'm not sure if you've been on an AF base before, but it ain't bad as far as facilities go :) And to answer your first question...It is an AWESOME gig. It might not be the most exciting, but it is without a doubt a great life.

Good stuff to know. My brother is retired Air Force, and lets just say, he had a nice career.:) Thanks again for the info, I really appreciate. Sorry for messing up the thread.


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ryann24 said:
sorry to bother ya all with this...guess I should stay in my place...the private spouses corner...:)

No no no no no...that ISN'T what I'm saying. If you have questions regarding the P-3 community post them! There's a ton of people here from all demographics who have experience in the field. What I am saying is, "What's wrong with P-3s" is way too broad a question to elicit any kind of coherent answer. What are your questions? Deployment schedule? Upgrading timeline? Per diem? What's the deal with box lunches? ASK!

I'm NOT ragging on wives, but the fact is, often (not always, but OFTEN) they see the community through the eyes and words of their husband. If that guy is jaded or feels slighted, odds are he'll convey only what he wants to to get sympathy at home.

It ISN'T a bother, like I said, come up with some pointed questions and we'll try to help. This sit is a great resource, USE IT!

(apologies to TACAMO types for the threadjack)
zab1001 said:
No no no no no...that ISN'T what I'm saying. If you have questions regarding the P-3 community post them! There's a ton of people here from all demographics who have experience in the field. What I am saying is, "What's wrong with P-3s" is way too broad a question to elicit any kind of coherent answer. What are your questions? Deployment schedule? Upgrading timeline? Per diem? What's the deal with box lunches? ASK!

I'm NOT ragging on wives, but the fact is, often (not always, but OFTEN) they see the community through the eyes and words of their husband. If that guy is jaded or feels slighted, odds are he'll convey only what he wants to to get sympathy at home.

It ISN'T a bother, like I said, come up with some pointed questions and we'll try to help. This sit is a great resource, USE IT!

(apologies to TACAMO types for the threadjack)
I am sure that is very true. That was the first time I had heard that, and my husband was kinda interested in P-3's and she made it to be so awful, it just scared me and I was curious if there was anything specific that is going on in that community right now, changes, etc. No big deal, I totally understand. I know one question I do have, are there any overseas opportunities for E-6's? Thanks again. I just need to do some searches on here to get info on all the platforms. One of our biggest things is going to be location, and even though some don't see OK as their dream duty station, there are some things about OK that make it more practical for a family, plus it's closer to home which is always great. My husband seems to think is chances of getting E-6's are slim. I am a little ahead of the game considering he is still waiting to start API.:)