Dude, OCS is the way to go, 100 percent. I did it... hated it. But *loved* getting through with my commissioning program in only 3 months when ROTC and Academy folks took four years. NROTC will pay for college, so if you're looking for a college meal ticket, that may be your best bet. If you're looking to just commission into the Navy without somebody footing the bill for your tuition, dorm room, and books, then go to OCS after college. Guess what? OCS doesn't even make you have your fancy engineering degree. And, if you go to OCS, you pick your job and then go before a board for that community to get picked up for the program. NROTC, on the other hand, does not guarantee you a specific job. You want to be a shit hot TOPGUN fighter pilot, you say!?!? Get wrecked, guess what!? You're going to be a submariner, or SWO, or intel guy, or whatever. NROTC can do that (and they do, I've seen it firsthand). They'll rack and stack your performance and give you a job based on that. I honestly think OCS is the way to go. I didn't have to wear a uniform around campus, PT early in the AM, spend most of my day at the NROTC unit hurrying up and waiting, etc. I got to party, drink, date, etc., with my free time. It was a blast. And then I went to OCS and picked my job and got what I wanted out of the Navy. Win-win, bro.