Boldly lick where no one has licked before
Ok, here is my two cents as a former nuke enlisted: Go Officer Instead!
First, you do all the same watchstanding and deployments as your would be enlisted coleagues, however, you do less to none of the crap work.
Second, the calculas, physics, and chemistry taught in enlisted Nuclear Power School is very focused on reactor operations, and does not delve deeply into any other facet of these subjects...very VERY focused and limited. They are NOT equivalent to a class in a regular university, and they will not give you credit for it.
Third, you can get a 2 year nuclear technology degree from Thomas Edison college with only a couple additional classes taken, but that is no where near a real full blown engineering degree.
Now, if you would like detailed info on the NUPOC process, I HIGHLY suggest you read the following threads on the Navy OCS forum:
They are first hand accounts on the interviews and process of being selected. The Navy OCS forum will also provide a better place to get specific questions answered.
From what I have read, the process seem to be easier than the normal OCS review boards, if you know your math and sciences (you'll see from the threads listed).
Oh, if you are in your junior or senior year of college, the Navy BDCP program will pay you a salary to go to school just like you were an enlisted person. If you are a freshman or sophmore, I suggest looking into NROTC. Otherwise, go for OCS.
Bottom line, if you have to put up with all the hardships of being in the military, then you might as well get paid well for it and gain the prestige of being an officer.
Please do not listen to the enlisted recruiter, because he/she will get a bonus for getting you into the nuke program, or at least they used to. Do not accept the financial talk of an enlistment bonus, because you will be making twice as much as an officer in salary AND you may be eligible for a bonus. Then there is that whole free school (NROTC scholarship) or being paid while going to school (BDCP) thing.
Good luck, and please feel free to ask any follow-up questions.
First, you do all the same watchstanding and deployments as your would be enlisted coleagues, however, you do less to none of the crap work.
Second, the calculas, physics, and chemistry taught in enlisted Nuclear Power School is very focused on reactor operations, and does not delve deeply into any other facet of these subjects...very VERY focused and limited. They are NOT equivalent to a class in a regular university, and they will not give you credit for it.
Third, you can get a 2 year nuclear technology degree from Thomas Edison college with only a couple additional classes taken, but that is no where near a real full blown engineering degree.
Now, if you would like detailed info on the NUPOC process, I HIGHLY suggest you read the following threads on the Navy OCS forum:
They are first hand accounts on the interviews and process of being selected. The Navy OCS forum will also provide a better place to get specific questions answered.
From what I have read, the process seem to be easier than the normal OCS review boards, if you know your math and sciences (you'll see from the threads listed).
Oh, if you are in your junior or senior year of college, the Navy BDCP program will pay you a salary to go to school just like you were an enlisted person. If you are a freshman or sophmore, I suggest looking into NROTC. Otherwise, go for OCS.
Bottom line, if you have to put up with all the hardships of being in the military, then you might as well get paid well for it and gain the prestige of being an officer.
Please do not listen to the enlisted recruiter, because he/she will get a bonus for getting you into the nuke program, or at least they used to. Do not accept the financial talk of an enlistment bonus, because you will be making twice as much as an officer in salary AND you may be eligible for a bonus. Then there is that whole free school (NROTC scholarship) or being paid while going to school (BDCP) thing.
Good luck, and please feel free to ask any follow-up questions.