Are there any study guides other than the outlines of each chapter. I volunteered for an IA and have a ridiculous amount of time out here. I am "trying" to actually do all the readings...FML. I am also taking notes- snails pace. I am looking for a prefilled study guide much like in flight school. Any idea? Semper.
Sorry dude I wouldn't know.
[gets on high horse]
I decided to use my time for non-USMC related continuing education. I'm not going to waste my time trolling through MARADMINS, MarineNet, and going through a bunch of other BS just so I can spend hours CTRL+F'ing a PDF to complete a "school" that is supposedly required for career advancement. The whole notion of it is anathema to me and represents a lot of what I think is wrong. There are other goals I'd like to achieve that better utilize what little free time I have.
[off my high horse now]