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Eyesight Question (sorry!)


PLC Sr's Candidate
See now that's what I was thinking. But even still, I'm getting mixed answers on this thread... 20/40= no go, end of story. And then there's some who are saying PRK can open up that door for me if I have it done before applying. What/Which is right?

Either way, is NFO still an option?


Just another frustrated observer.
There has been a lot of talk about SNAs being able to apply for a Waiver with contacts and vision as bad as 20/400.

12.15 Student Naval Aviator Contact Lens Policy Rev APRIL 05......

SNA APPLICANTS: SNA applicants with excessive refractive error and disqualifying uncorrected distant visual acuity (UCDVA), no worse than 20/400, who demonstrate successful fit and habitual wear (at least six months) of approved soft contact lenses and meet all other visual standards can apply for a waiver. Uncorrected Visual Acuity (UCVA) should be measured by the Armed Forces Vision Tester (AFVT), Optec 2300, B-VAT, or similar charts with multiple 20/400 letter capabilities. Using the Snellen 20/200 “E” is not an acceptable method of assessing uncorrected visual acuity of 20/400. A history of successful contact lens wear does not guarantee the granting of waiver.

As late as October 2nd I saw a post from Wink saying he doesn't believe this means you can get an SNA slot with vision that bad. The fine print says it does not guarantee the granting of a waiver.

Search on "Contact" or go here. http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11533&highlight=contact+lenses

Maybe they're not granting waivers now but are looking to in the future?
"So you're saying there's a chance?..."

THANK YOU COUGAR I had heard the 20/400 info from a Marine OSO here in MS, but had been unable to find it anywhere else...if that's true, you made my night...


Just another frustrated observer.
Cougar_62 said:
As late as October 2nd I saw a post from Wink saying he doesn't believe this means you can get an SNA slot with vision that bad. The fine print says it does not guarantee the granting of a waiver.

Maybe they're not granting waivers now but are looking to in the future?

Hope you the best of good luck Brandon, but read the fine print. Wink, who really seems to know what he's talking about doesn't think they're doing this. I'd love to hear someone say "I've got contacts, 20/350 and I'm a brand new SNA. Haven't heard it yet though.


PLC Sr's Candidate
Cougar_62 said:
Hope you the best of good luck Brandon, but read the fine print. Wink, who really seems to know what he's talking about doesn't think they're doing this. I'd love to hear someone say "I've got contacts, 20/350 and I'm a brand new SNA. Haven't heard it yet though.

Lord knows I want to hear that...... I'm gonna keep digging and asking around though. Now that I've got that incentive of a free brew!

Are there any eye requirements for NFO? So that even if I can't be on the stick, I can at least be up there?
Thanks for the best wishes Cougar, back at you...I'm with you cWood--SNA / NFO, it really doesn't matter to me. Long as I have someone competent on the stick who isn't gonna get my wife all pissed by killing me, I'm good to go...


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Cougar_62 said:
Hope you the best of good luck Brandon, but read the fine print. Wink, who really seems to know what he's talking about doesn't think they're doing this. I'd love to hear someone say "I've got contacts, 20/350 and I'm a brand new SNA. Haven't heard it yet though.

Thanks for the nod. There hasn't been anyone selected under that "change" yet for all the reasons I have posted before. The one guy that claimed his recruiter (navy) was going to send his app in under those provisions has not reported back to me a selection. I even promised to buy him a beer and fly anywhere in the country to swear him in.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
cWood30 said:
Hmm, I talked with my Recruiter, and I think he's under the impression that any eye correction voids you from being a Pilot. Is it possible that he is wrong, or are we wrong?

First off, I hope you are talking with an OFFICER Recruiter, commonly called an OSO. If you are talking with an ENLISTED Recruiter, then you need to get in contact with an OSO.

Next, Go to the NAMI/NOMI website (listed above) and print out the Student Naval Aviator (SNA) physical standards and then take them to your doctor and have him/her tell you if you are within standards. The STANDARDS are the SAME for Navy & Marine Corps.

As far as the PRK surgery, you need to get screened by an EYE Doc to see if you are a good candidate. For me, I have very bad astigmatisms and PRK is NOT an option. This is something you should not rush into without a proper consultation.

Your Doc can give the PROFESSIONAL advice you need to make the decisions you need to make in order to get what you want.

If you are talking with an OSO, and he/she has never heard of PRK for pilots, he/she is either new or clueless. IMPRESSIONS don't answer questions. The Navy & Marine Corps have very clear and consise DIRECTIVES and INSTRUCTIONS for new accessions for Pilots and NFOs. If your OSO doesn't have the answer, the have him/her get you the answers.



PLC Sr's Candidate
I did indeed talk with an OSO. I'm trying to set up a professional appointment with my optometrist now, so that I can get everything as squared away as possible. I understand that everything in the military is very direct and clear-cut, and that's the type of answer I was looking for with this thread. Thanks for the help, although I'm beginning to lean towards NFO anyway, whether or not my eyes meet or have the ability to meet specs of NA. As always, thanks for you time and attention gentlemen. ~ Chris W.


Going in as an NFO is definitely an option with your vision. I'm -4.25 in each eye and didn't have any problems applying. If I recall correctly, the vision requirement for Marine & Navy NFOs is a maximum of -8.0 as long as you see 20/20 with glasses or contacts. If your vision is worse than 20/200 (which yours almost certainly is), then you have to carry an extra pair of glasses with you whenever you fly -- not a big deal.

Your vision is definitely a no-go for a pilot slot unless you can get PRK, though. I considered PRK but made the decision not to go through with it.

Good luck with your decision, and feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions about NFO training, OCS, TBS, or anything else. I'm a Marine student NFO in Intermediate down in Pensacola.