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F-14 tail washes up in Ireland




US Navy jet tail fin washes up on Irish shores

By Dan Buckley, Alan Good and Eoin English
THERE’S nothing quite like the roar of waves crashing on the beach to wipe away the cobwebs — unless it happens to be the scream of a US Navy F-14 Tomcat overhead.

Whichever was loudest appears to have masked the moment a piece of combat aviation history fell to earth recently and ended up on a beach in west Cork.

An investigation was underway last night after what is believed to be a large part of the structure of the US Navy fighter jet was found washed up yesterday by a retired Aer Lingus pilot.

The piece, about the size of a family car, is thought to be one of the tail fins from a twin-tail F-14 Tomcat — the jet featured in the movie Top Gun.

Retired Aer Lingus captain Charlie Coughlan made the amazing discovery at Long Strand at Owenahincha, near Rosscarbery.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” he said. “The paint is still perfect. It appears to have broken off the aircraft. I could see a spar inside — it’s cracked, not cut.”

The debris, which measures eight feet by four feet, is military grey and features a flying skeleton, the insignia of VF-101 squadron — also known as the Grim Reapers — who up until recently were the US Navy’s F-14 training squad.

“It is quite a substantial piece; you would think it would have sunk but the inside is layered with honeycomb material and that could have made it buoyant,” said Mr Coughlan.

“There are no barnacles on it, so I would say it has only been in the water a few months.”

He notified the Irish Aviation Authority who in turn contacted the gardaí. They sealed off the scene yesterday and handed the investigation over to the Air Navigation Investigation Unit.

A senior garda said there were no reports of any aircraft missing in the area. The US Navy seems equally mystified.

A spokesman at the Pentagon said last night that they were not aware of any missing tail fins.

“We don’t fly F-14s any more,” said Lieutenant Jim Marks. “They were decommissioned earlier this year.”

The F-14 Tomcat, with its distinctive swept wings, twin vertical fins and engines, and state-of-the-art technology, was one of the most formidable fighter jets in US combat aviation history.

Designed primarily as a naval air-to-air fighter, the Tomcat also proved adept in ground attack capabilities, tactical reconnaissance and precision strikes. The first prototype flew in 1970 and its first combat deployment began in 1972.

Both the Tomcat and its fighter squadrons were finally mothballed in January after more than three decades of combat duty.

A sense of that history can be found on the US Navy website. Wannabe Tom Cruises can download a computer video game designed to test the mettle of those intent on a career with the force.

Called the US Navy Training Exercise, the website declares it is being “conducted to help us evaluate future recruitment benchmarks”. Naturally, it has a code name: Strike & Retrieve.

The Navy says: “NTE: Strike & Retrieve presents a mental challenge that requires both sound reasoning and quick- thinking action on your part. At the navy we know the missions of the future will be determined not by who is the strongest but by who is the smartest.”

And, presumably, whoever manages to hang on to their tail-fins.

F-14 Tomcat factfile

Manufacturer: Grumman.

Introduced: Sept 1974.

Retired: 2006 (US Navy).

Status: still in active service in Iran.

Built: 675.

Unit cost: $38 million.

Top speed: 1,544mph

Crew: Two.


M61 Gatling gun.

Air-to-air missiles.

Laser-guided bombs.



Super Moderator
I better stop by the flight line here in Jax and let the Red Air Tomcats know that they were mothballed earlier this year. I guess that means that they can go home now?


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Heck, if you're in Norfolk just stroll down to VF-31 and let them know too . . .


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
“We don’t fly F-14s any more,” said Lieutenant Jim Marks. “They were decommissioned earlier this year.”

The voice of knowledge on all things Navy....


Super Moderator
nittany03 said:
Heck, if you're in Norfolk just stroll down to VF-31 and let them know too . . .

I won't be back in Hampton Roads for a few more days, maybe one of you who are still back there will let them know that the Bobs "fixed the glitch". Great way to avoid confrontation. :D


"Mr. Lumbergh told me to talk to payroll and payroll told me to talk to Mr. Lumbergh and I still have not received my paycheck and they moved my desk to storage room B and there was garbage on it."


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
I think Lt. Marks has "fixed the glitch"

"Mr. Marks told me to talk to NAVAIR and NAVAIR told me to talk to Mr. Marks and I still have not recieved new orders and they moved my parking spot down the flight line and there was an F-8 on it."


On the subject of this thread, do you think somone just forgot to fill out a TFOA report or failed to do a proper post flight. I've missed some big things on a post flight before, i mean, geeze it could happen to anyone!


Mrs. Crossdressing USA 2003 and 2005
macattack said:
Status: still in active service in Iran.

For the love of God, one of these days can we stop selling remotely dangerous things to people that we might remotely hate in the future. I know it's all about politics of the day, but f**k that just doesn't seem smart. Then again, I'm not a politician.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
flysupertomcat said:
You mean VA beach? :icon_tong
Whatever, greater Hampton Roads, close enough.

PropStop said:
"Mr. Marks told me to talk to NAVAIR and NAVAIR told me to talk to Mr. Marks and I still have not recieved new orders and they moved my parking spot down the flight line and there was an F-18 on it."


Mrs. Crossdressing USA 2003 and 2005
Taken quite a few actually, hence "might remotely hate in the future" and "it's all about politics of the day".


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
With that line of logic, we'd better stop selling to everyone. Better end all the PEPs as well.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
zab1001 said:
With that line of logic, we'd better stop selling to everyone. Better end all the PEPs as well.
Concur, plus to chalk it all up to "politics," as though there's some kind of ulterior corrupt motives behind the whole thing is kind of naive. I'll tell you what the motive was, it was called the Cold War - the same reason we did everything for which every liberal smart @ss now criticizes the US for getting into. "Well, we shouldn't have sold jets to Iran, or helped the Mujahadeen, or helped Iraq, or mined the harbor in Nicaragua, or gone to Vietnam, or gone to Korea, blah, blah, blah." Jesus Christ! Guess what, we avoided a nuclear holocaust and beat the communists with relatively little violence. They never seem to factor that part in.



Jobu needs a refill!
The glass is half full...

Another perspective...
Iran has spent so much time and effort reverse engineering parts for those planes, undoubtedly obtaining some significant help on the side (read Russia)...for what capability?
Unclass periodicals don't give much credence to IRAF Tomcats.
Another thought...know how much trouble we've had with TF30-412's?
Not to mention 3x mmh/fh vs a hornet...
Centcom's Iranian OOB on the SIPR is worth a peek if you get the chance...
Now their deadly P-3F! That's another story! It's got a mean searchlight!