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F-22As... For the USMC?


New Member
I recently came across an paper by "Air Power Australia - Australia's Independent Defense Think Tank" and had to get the take of the Naval Aviation community. Basically it goes on to say, that fourth generation legacy fighters of all branches of service will soon be eclipsed by the Su-3X fighter variants and surface to air missile systems. And not just the ones fielded by Russia, but the export models as well.

Here is the paper, http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-090209-1.html

So what say you? Blaspheme? Fear Mongering? Or a speck of truth?


Well-Known Member
Oh, there's a lot of truth behind this, but ausairpowerleaks.net wasn't supposed to expose this information.

The Corps realizes there is a signficiant Su-3X threat at the beach, and plans are already in the works to integrate F-22s into the next USMC amphibious assault. In fact, don't tell anyone I told you this, but all of the III MAW VMFAs have been secretly transitioning to F-22s over the past two years. The MV-22 thing is all just a ruse to keep everyone distracted while the F-22 fielding is conducted. Public acknowledgement of the USMC F-22 program will be made in 2012, once the full transition is completed. BTW, the USMC F-22 program is years ahead of schedule and 50% under budget. It is a successful acquisitions model that sets the bar for all defense acquisitions programs.

Again, don't tell anyone I shared this with you - this is "G-14 Classified" information.


New Member
Thanks for the reply KBay, sarcasm and all. From it I gather that you don't consider the development and export of the SU-35 to be much of a deterrent against American air power or force projection. My interest in this is academic. I'm a doctoral student in political science, and the emphasis in my studies with military application of force as a supporting measure of policy. I've come across a few analysts that give the impression that the United States is well on it's way to loosing air dominance in the next 10 years. I don't really care what the Navy or Marines fly so long as feel they can continue to get the job done. For fun I just wanted to pose the question to the people who actually do the work that people like me attempt to measure and apply abstract factors to.

Anyways, thanks for you time.


Super *********
Super Moderator
I'm no where near the expert on this subject but it seems to me, this article and many others are a bit goofy. A lot of presumptions and specualtion on part of the authors. Has to be sources of knowledge on the subject matter.


Apprentice School Principal
And this is how you do research for your dissertation? You post a message on a forum such as this and then you are surprised when you receive a sarcastic remark?

What you should have done was post that are doing research and are looking for opinions as to the threat from the latest air superiority fighter, surface to air missile system, submarine, IED, etc and ask members of this group to provide you some feedback. There are some people here who are qualified and would love to offer an opinion. Plus we have lots of people who are not qualified, but love to offer an opinion regardless.

If posting random (and anonymous) hypothetical questions on the internet will suffice at your school to meet the requirements for a doctorate, please send me the name of your school. I could use a PhD in my post-Navy career.

Your profile says you are an OCS candidate. If you can't handle the sarcasm that KBayDog just used, then please see your recruiter and withdraw your package. If you think that was bad, you haven't seen anything like once you get to the fleet.


No, thanks for you time. Don't loose your sense of humor on your way out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply KBay, sarcasm and all. From it I gather that you don't consider the development and export of the SU-35 to be much of a deterrent against American air power or force projection.

Don't know, don't care.

My interest in this is academic. I'm a doctoral student in political science, and the emphasis in my studies with military application of force as a supporting measure of policy.

Congratulations. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

FWIW, I'm by no means a doctoral student. Hell, I'm exactly 0.0 credits into my master's work. Unfortunately, I've been a little too busy over the past few years with the actual application of force (or threat of force) as a supporting measure of policy to do too much research into this field.

I've come across a few analysts that give the impression that the United States is well on it's way to loosing air dominance in the next 10 years.

Well, I suppose we'd better tighten up our air dominance, huh?

For fun I just wanted to pose the question to the people who actually do the work that people like me attempt to measure and apply abstract factors to.

Anyways, thanks for you time.

No worries, and like helolumpy said, thick skin is required when dealing with those of us in this particular field. Seriously, best of luck with your studies, and feel free to fire any/all questions our way.


What percent of Marine jet studs get F-22s?

Standing by for...



Looking forward to some P-8 action
Your time off from the website?

For those that don't know - % jokes are a brief respite from the website offense...

Though the joke wasn't amusing, the video was. Always amusing to watch a serious incident report (SIR) in the making.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
To paraphrase Gloria Steinem, Marines need F-22s like fish need bicycles. Just because something, such as an F-35, exists, doesn't mean it will be built in quantity, or used by anyone we actually fight. Building 5th gen fighters isn't easy, or cheap, as the US has discovered. If we can't afford them, God knows no one else can. If the Chinese or the Russians can, then the problem isn't technology, it's the fact that our economy is in the shitter. That's the root cause of any decline in American power, not some new potential wonder weapon.


New Member
Hi Helolumpy,

And this is how you do research for your dissertation? You post a message on a forum such as this and then you are surprised when you receive a sarcastic remark?

Suprised? Not really. And I'm sorry if I came off that way.

What you should have done was post that are doing research and are looking for opinions as to the threat from the latest air superiority fighter, surface to air missile system, submarine, IED, etc and ask members of this group to provide you some feedback. There are some people here who are qualified and would love to offer an opinion. Plus we have lots of people who are not qualified, but love to offer an opinion regardless.

I realize that now, I'll put something more formal together. Is there anyone that comes to your mind worth contacting?

If posting random (and anonymous) hypothetical questions on the internet will suffice at your school to meet the requirements for a doctorate, please send me the name of your school. I could use a PhD in my post-Navy career.

I wish it meet the requirements, the point was more to foster a discussion and get a feeling for the community.

Your profile says you are an OCS candidate. If you can't handle the sarcasm that KBayDog just used, then please see your recruiter and withdraw your package. If you think that was bad, you haven't seen anything like once you get to the fleet.

I had been a USMC OCS candidate, and had graduated from Echo Company, 3rd Platoon, second increment. However, a car accident 3 months from finishing my degree disqualified me from accepting my commission. What can I say, I changed gears and pressed on as best as I could in a new direction.

Thanks again for your time.