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F-22As... For the USMC?

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
No, they don't.

But....but....I heard from a friend of mine that those things warp the flight deck, burn off the non-skid, and heat up the chilled water pipes to the point that there's no cold water left on the boat.

I've also heard that they light grass LZ's instantly on fire, that the rotorwash will knock down any living person, and that since they lack doorguns that they will get blasted out of the sky the first time the do their 5 minute decel to a hot LZ.

Who do you think you are, questioning the gouge this way??


Solidly part of the 42%.
I don't think the Marines are as concerned with air superiority as the Navy, or Air Force. It's not the focus, and the cards aren't exactly in their favor in this. The impact of the new Russian a/c on the Marine Corps procurement plans? Probably , ultimately, zero.

Are you drunk posting? Not the focus? Of course it's a concern. Im not going to whip out a "6 functions of Marine Aviation" .ppt on you, but things like CAS and assault support (things that a modern maneuver warfare force really needs)are nearly impossible without air superiority. It's also a concern because then the other guy CAN do those things. That's one of the big reasons the air campaign lasted for so long at the beginning of Desert Storm. Air superiority is a go/no go criterion for any major operation. If you're a Marine general offering your service's superior ideas on how to fuck up somebody's world it better not start with "well sir, we have this kick ass plan that we can only execute as soon as the Air Force is done softening up the IADS." You better have the EW and fighter assets capable of at least helping the JAOC out if you want the rest of your plan to even be listened to.


Formerly SNA2007
I just adopt the new guy rule: "Ears open, mouth shut". Well-meaning, well-researched questions are always welcome. Just keep your head down around here and try not to sound like you're bothered by things. Thick skin is necessary.

That's damn good gouge....resume thread.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
But....but....I heard from a friend of mine that those things warp the flight deck, burn off the non-skid, and heat up the chilled water pipes to the point that there's no cold water left on the boat.

I've also heard that they light grass LZ's instantly on fire, that the rotorwash will knock down any living person, and that since they lack doorguns that they will get blasted out of the sky the first time the do their 5 minute decel to a hot LZ.

Who do you think you are, questioning the gouge this way??

The hot pads do exist, they're just not for the ships he said. The details are in the naval message on the subject.


Death by Snoo Snoo
Marinemike, I am obviously making the mistake of being far too general in my comments. I was probably on hour 10 of my 12 hour watch that night I posted it so I should've maybe re-read that a few times before posting. I'll try to stay away from generalities from now on, especially when punch-drunk from lack of sleep.

All I'm saying... ALL I'm saying, is that relative to the importance given to Air Superiority in the Air Force's doctrines and procurement plans, the Marine Corps is more focused on direct support of ground troops. I know the MAGTF concept and modern all-encompasing warfare includes planning for all situations and threats.

I admit I should've chosen my words more carefully.


Cereal Killer
Marinemike, I am obviously making the mistake of being far too general in my comments. I was probably on hour 10 of my 12 hour watch that night I posted it so I should've maybe re-read that a few times before posting. I'll try to stay away from generalities from now on, especially when punch-drunk from lack of sleep.

All I'm saying... ALL I'm saying, is that relative to the importance given to Air Superiority in the Air Force's doctrines and procurement plans, the Marine Corps is more focused on direct support of ground troops. I know the MAGTF concept and modern all-encompasing warfare includes planning for all situations and threats.

I admit I should've chosen my words more carefully.

Pray tell, did they teach you about Marine Air in Navy OCS? Or at Amherst?


Well-Known Member
It's not the first time someone with a low post count and imperfect English has posted asking about technical comparisons of aircraft.

I was thinking the same thing. I'd expect a lot better grammar from somebody in a doctorate program. Sounds to me like a 14 year old kid from some third world country on a fishing expedition.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Also reminds me of those dorks that post on sites like F16.net....I've only been on that site a few times but it looks to be full of wannabe's, gamers, no-loads, etc.


Registered User
Why is someone who is studying to become a Prof visiting AW anyways? My four illustrious years in college were spent with mostly anti-military, liberal, professors and TA's who didn't have a clue what the real world was like. I had a Prof my freshman year tell me he poured goats blood in his urine sample for the Army so he could get out of the draft...he was proud of that.


Looking forward to some P-8 action
Why is someone who is studying to become a Prof visiting AW anyways? My four illustrious years in college were spent with mostly anti-military, liberal, professors and TA's who didn't have a clue what the real world was like. I had a Prof my freshman year tell me he poured goats blood in his urine sample for the Army so he could get out of the draft...he was proud of that.

I would say that you went to the wrong school, if that's the case. Most of my professors (at least in my major) were retired military. If I had drill, or annual training, they would bend over backwards to ensure I could get the work done. I have a feeling I wouldn't have had the same flexibility at the school you went to.