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F-4Us in Vietnam?


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Oh the agony, the frustration, the wounded pride...

A4sForever said:
I've had it ..... I hate the AW server and I hate the AW software ...
Get rid of the tablet, stop using third party browsers, don't let your session time out while you are searching for pics or refilling your basket of limes to squeeze or latte for your whiskey, and of the utmost importance, get a better internet connection. :D

On a serious note, thanks to Machine, this site has a monster server to run on (way past what it requires)... though, the software comment.. well, Vbulletin is one of the top ranked commercial software programs out there (at least in the range that I could afford). But, alas, I am an update behind.... as is always the case with the site, one more thing to update....

Understand the pain and frustration, I have lost posts before, and almost thrown my laptop down.

Finally, you LOVE Steve? I think I am going to get sick....



webmaster said:
Get rid of the tablet, stop using third party browsers, don't let your session time out while you are searching for pics or refilling your basket of limes to squeeze or latte for your whiskey, and of the utmost importance, get a better internet connection. :D.......
Finally, you LOVE Steve? I think I am going to get sick....


I am full of love .... and --- so say some ---- other things as well. There's always room for a black shoe to come sit on my lap ....

Windows XP, IE, Comcast high-speed (?) , blah, blah, blah .... and don't EVER TRY TO COME BETWEEN ME AND MY LIMES AND MY LATTES AND MY WHISKEY ..... so maybe it was the time-out ???

For the sake of discussion: What would the "average" time-out be on this ... website, pray tell ??? Actually ..... what I got was the "sign in" default when I was already signed in ..... thereby losing the post. I keep giving, and giving, and giving ..... Booyah. :confused: :) :eek:


Due to the government,I feel over-stimulated.
Oft overlooked...

I always liked the A1-H Skyraider. It didn't really get the spotlight like the F-86 in Korea of the F-4 in Vietnam. In the close ground support role - it was the A-10's predecessor for openin' up a can o' whoop a$$ on some unfriendlies! (from what I've read)
The A-4 was nice, too. :icon_wink (Apparently saying that gets you points around here??):smirk_125


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
A4sForever said:
For the sake of discussion: What would the "average" time-out be on this ... website, pray tell ??? Actually ..... what I got was the "sign in" default when I was already signed in ..... thereby losing the post. I keep giving, and giving, and giving ..... Booyah. :confused: :) :eek:
Depends, the forum handles your "log-in" in two ways:

(1) If you have cookies enabled, it recognizes you, and your session doesn't time out once you have logged in.

(2) If you don't have cookies enabled AND/OR you don't select the "remember me" check box next to your user name when logging in, after a set amount of time:

In this case, I have it set to 1200 seconds or 20 minutes. So, if you leave it inactive, or don't browse another page, the forum will "forget you", and say you need to login again.

Best course of action:
- enable cookies for this site
- check the "remember me" option when you login
- Finally, if it is a continuous problem, delete the cookie associated with www.airwarriors.com from your cache, the cookie could have gotten corrupted

NOTE: I researched this on the Vb forums, and there is currently some speculation on some sites having difficulting with ppl continuously getting logged out, but what you presented does not appear to be the case.

NOTE2: I actually DO have a ****ty connection to the internet, and one of the "paranoia" items I do, after typing a LONG post, is to CTRL-A (to select all), and CTRL-C, to copy it. Then I hit post. If my connection doesn't "connect" to Airwarriors, then I just hit the back button, repost what I wrote CTRL-V, and try again. But, you have to understand, that I have certain "issues" with my service provider, AND I am on the other side of the planet from the AW Server.

/end threadjack



Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Scotty-O said:
I always liked the A1-H Skyraider. It didn't really get the spotlight like the F-86 in Korea of the F-4 in Vietnam. In the close ground support role - it was the A-10's predecessor for openin' up a can o' whoop a$$ on some unfriendlies! (from what I've read)
You read right. You 'like' well, and have read well.

The A-1 "Spad" was an awesome aircraft. However, it never got its due.

Anyone who ever was on the ground awaiting rescue in Vietnam hoped for those "Sandy's" to appear - with their long on-station-time, and awesome mix of air-to-ground ordnance.

In our F-4 squadron, we had an old Navy Spad driver. The stories he could tell. (but it vibrated like hell, and he flew 5-hour missions, so his stories weren't always 'happy' stories.)

Nevertheless, the A-1 was one helluva aircraft, that never got its due.



Well-Known Member
Ok Ill ring in on this little airplane love fest

My Favorite. Not just for the War, not just for that period in technology, but my favorite aircraft in general.


I dont know what it is about the thing but the more I learn from people that worked/flew it the more I just wish I could had a part in the Legacy of the Vigilante.



Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Lawman said:
Ok Ill ring in on this little airplane love fest

My Favorite. Not just for the War, not just for that period in technology, but my favorite aircraft in general.
I dont know what it is about the thing but the more I learn from people that worked/flew it the more I just wish I could had a part in the Legacy of the Vigilante.


Aesthetically, it was and is my all-time favorite Naval aircraft. When I entered the Navy, it was the one I seriously wanted to fly.

Later, I learned it was an aircraft I did not want to fly – but I almost did get orders to it…. but that's another story.

Nevertheless, it is still a beautiful airframe…. and a fast machine. (don't try to land it on a ship, though, unless you are extremely good, or have a death wish.)


Well-Known Member
Catmando said:
Aesthetically, it was and is my all-time favorite Naval aircraft. When I entered the Navy, it was the one I seriously wanted to fly.

Later, I learned it was an aircraft I did not want to fly – but I almost did get orders to it…. but that's another story.

Nevertheless, it is still a beautiful airframe…. and a fast machine. (don't try to land it on a ship, though, unless you are extremely good, or have a death wish.)

I must have a death wish, but that whole dont do it unless your good or crazy has to be one of that aircrafts most attractive qualities to me.


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Lawman said:
I must have a death wish, but that whole dont do it unless your good or crazy has to be one of that aircrafts most attractive qualities to me.

That's exactly what my 'good' old Vigie pilots tell me. But many of the 'not-so-good' Vigie pilots I knew, no longer speak.

Nevertheless, if you are attracted to the challenge, you will normally do well if you don't over-extend yourself; if you fear it, it will bite you, unless you can grow into it.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Lawman said:
I must have a death wish, but that whole dont do it unless your good or crazy has to be one of that aircrafts most attractive qualities to me.
Ask A4s about his experience waving them - good stuff.



Well-Known Member
Brett327 said:
Ask A4s about his experience waving them - good stuff.

Brett Im the one that started that thread several months back doing exactly that.


FERS and TSP contributor!
French flew F4U's in defense of Dien Bien Phu - Vietnam

"The French Aéronavale did indeed need a powerful carrier-born plane for the Arromanches, Bois-Belleau and Lafayette aircraft carriers, faced with the Indochina conflict since 1945. A version , the F4U-7 (dubbed "For French Only"), was specially developped to fulfill this need. It was equiped with a powerfull P&W R-2800-18W 2100hp engine, and made its first flight on July 2nd 1952. The French Aéronautique Navale ordered a total of 94 planes, which were delivered between mid-1952 and January 1953. In October 1952, several French pilots were sent to NAS Oceana (Virginia) to be trained on the plane. 14.F squadron (CO-ed by LV Pierre Ménetttier) was the first squadron to receive the F4U-7 at Karouba air base in Tunisia. From January 1953 to April 1954, pilots trained with a combat cruise in Indochina in mind. These pilots arrived at Tourane (Annam) on April 17th 1954, but without their planes. On the next day, the USS Saïpan delivered 25 AU-1 Corsairs which until then flew for the USMC's VMA-211 over Korea. The planes were in a pitiful state, and 24 of them are immediately declared unserviceable. Two days later, after a tremendous effort from French and US technicians, 16 planes were on the flightline. On April 23rd, these planes took-off from Tourane and headed for Bach Mai (Tonkin).

Combat sorties started on the 25th . Despite sub-human efforts from Corsair pilots, the Dien Bien Phu strongpoint fell on May 7th . Yet 14.F squadron continued its attacks against railways, bridges…etc until the ceasefire on July 20th 1954. The AU-1's results after only 11 weeks is very impressive: 959 sorties (1 235 hours ), 700t of bombs dropped, 300 rokets launched, and 70 000 20mm rounds shot. Unfortunately, the squadron also lost two pilots and six AU-1s. Eventually 69 Corsairs were used by the Aéronautique Navale from 1954 to 1964"



Super *********
Super Moderator
Love the Vought series of aircraft, Corsair, Corsair II and the Crusader. As a midshipman, I got 6 hours in the TA-7C of VA-122.

A little fact about the F4U Corsair. It scored its last air-to-air kills in the 100 hours war between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969. Major Soto (Honduras Air Force), flying either an F4U-5 shot down a P-51K Mustang and 2 FG-1D Corsairs of the El Salvador Air Force on 17 July 69 (two missions).


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Corsair love affair

bunk22 said:
Love the Vought series of aircraft, Corsair, Corsair II and the Crusader. As a midshipman, I got 6 hours in the TA-7C of VA-122.

Here's a beauty located at Fighter Factory in Tidewater...visitors welcome and you can climb into cockpit http://www.fighterfactory.net/


  • Corsair-1.jpg
    2.3 KB · Views: 58