So I've been worrying about this for the past month and figures I go into MEPS today, get through everything else with no problem and I failed the color vision portion... I first failed the Ishihara Plates... and then he administered the FALANT test and I failed that as well. He left the lights off in the room so it was dark and he rushed me through the whole test. I thought that the Red/Green were very distinguishable (since I got all the red/green combinations correct) but the white looked more like a yellow to me and during the test, I didn't realize that it was white so instead, out of panic, I guessed either it was green or red when I should have just said white.
Anyway... I scheduled for an appointment with a civilian doctor at UC Berkeley Optometry School (they're the only place in california that has the FALANT test besides MEPS). Today has to be the worse day of my life...
come see me when you get here