Rabbits- Pets or Meat?
Both. Eating rabbit for Easter is a good way to traumatize a kid.
"Daddy, whats for dinner?"
Dad - "The Easter Bunny"
Rabbits- Pets or Meat?
Both. Eating rabbit for Easter is a good way to traumatize a kid.
"Daddy, whats for dinner?"
Dad - "The Easter Bunny"
Both. Eating rabbit for Easter is a good way to traumatize a kid.
"Daddy, whats for dinner?"
Dad - "The Easter Bunny"
I have no idea about rabbit eyes ... maybe I will try it sometime. But I did spend a few months in China, where fish face/eyes are a delicacy. When a group orders a fish, it is good courtesy to offer the eyes and face meat to the VIP or guest. Usually this meant me or another American. It was actually pretty good. The face is very tasty and tender. The eyes take a little getting used to. I imagine bunny eyes are totally different, though.
Great when fried.
Nice and crispy. :tongue2_1
How'd you eat the fish face though? Or do you mean just the face meat? Because there's really not much of it...guess that's what makes it a delicacy...