what day is everyone getting there? i am trying to get there Wednesday to settle in and get used to the time difference. I have watched several videos on the OCS process, and also listened to different peoples perspectives of the training. It seems like the hardest part is the first 3 weeks. After RLP, things seem to get better, being that we will transition into the officer candidate phase, and in the classroom majority of the day, and also in the khaki uniform. I am prior Air Force and i understand what to expect from a training environment, but was wondering what you guys perspectives were of the training. If there are any other prior enlisted (which i know there are), we know how to pass a PT test, and how to train for one, which is the first evolution of OCS. Everyone says come in shape, which you should definitely do, but just remember you are not training for three months, you are training to get in good shape and also to pass the initial PT test with at least a "Good Low" for whatever your age group is. We will all get in better shape during the OCS process from the beatings that we will take, and also the daily morning PT sessions. Any other prior enlisted members have any thoughts about this?