David Abreu
New Member
Okie, Im in the married Club with 2 kids, @ soon to be 28. Its awesome to have support and family to fight for. No matter what happens to our dreams, we have our loved ones to encourage us. So its AWESOME man!
Finally got to talk to recruiter again...said I'm not eligible until the APRIL board. Is that what you guys are hearing too that were August non-selects, because of the 6 month wait? Might try taking the ASTB again (5,6,5, 50) don't really want to but probably will. He said he could get some interviews lined up too. I'm planning on taking some of those interviewer appraisal sheets down to the airshow with me just in case(thanks edg33). Never know when one of the pilots or NFOs might have some time to spare before or after the airshow. I found out that the Senator LOR doesn't have to be on the standard NAVY LOR form either if anyone else was wondering. My OR said whatever he sent would be fine.
Hey peep's. Don't know why you think there is going to be a board in Feb 12'. Last time I checked there is no board scheduled.
I see that you guys post comments on here about flying jets... That's cool and all, but the fact is... The Navy isn't looking for the next top gun. They aren't looking for jet pilots. Take a few minutes to think about what I just said, and if this confuses you... maybe you should message me for the answer. Maybe there is a reason you haven't been selected if you have already tried. Also, if you have a degree in Criminology.. Last time I checked.. The Navy is looking for someone to operate a multimillion dollar aircraft with a degree in criminology. I personally don't know anyone with that degree serving as a pilot.. Maybe a SWO, or Supply Officer.. What math or physics skills does a person in Criminology or physical education have?? Not here to be negative ladies and gentleman, just being honest with you so that you can be honest with yourselves.
I am prior enlisted, I have been selected SNA, and I don't have jet posters hanging up in my room... I fly a Pitts S-2 out at the airfield.
Explain to me WHY you are not eligible? If it's the whole "six month waiting period" bs, get some changes on your application. be pro active to get that pro rec.
There is a bit of strategy in resubmitting application. If you have a new LOR, interviews and some volunteering hours (dedicate a month), that's enough for a resubmission. You may submit for the Jan. board. I know this from experience.
Here's another thing that you could do in theory: While you should submit the best application you can, you might want to have an LOR up your backsleeve/some other volunteering hours. That significantly changes an application as well. You might look into (I have no idea...Lucy might) what constitutes a change.
Good luck.
I agree. Not to shoot marmoset down but it seems like every post from him is negative to some degree. I'm not sure if you feel better than everyone because you are a final select, but in all honesty you should be out to give constructive criticism like any Naval Officer would do. Criticism and suggestions are great but they will not serve the intended purpose if they are percieved to be malicious.
^^ If you are going to be conducting decent amounts of flight training that is also considered grounds for early resubmission. I signed up for an instrument ground school and obtained a certificate showing part 141 enrollment, as well as gave the board copies of logbook entries to show accumulation of flight hours. You'll also have to write a letter explaining why you think you should be eligible to resubmit early. Be tactful, but make yourself look good and show them you have something valuable to offer. Unfortunately I was still a non-select... so I'm re-taking my ASTB next month and submitting on the rumored january board. Hold your breathe and waitgood luck.
I went to Cornell, my bad. Not too many people around me have heard of it, so I felt like I needed to qualify my shitty GPA haha.What Ivy League school? Why not say the name?