Phew! Good thing I was never caught.not only military, but it isn't sealed for any licensing you would need through the federal gov't.
bad choices as a minor can bite you in the ass for your entire life.
Phew! Good thing I was never caught.not only military, but it isn't sealed for any licensing you would need through the federal gov't.
bad choices as a minor can bite you in the ass for your entire life.
So then essentially, it could be a possibility of emailing or sending in a letter, finding a middle man to go between myself and the commander, whatever it may take.
Stranger things have happened, and I can't just give up after one shot. So I've been looking into any and every avenue of possibility in order to go in.
Seems like the ultimate answer is.....basically not going make very much progress in continuing the journey through all of this to try and become a Marine. However.......if I just gave up now, and never pursued it then I will never know for myself. I just turned 23 years old, I have a bit of time to keep trying before I am just to old to enlist, period ha.
Plenty of time to start preparing letters, getting a hold of the right kind of people, making connections, volunteering around the community, and seeing what kind of difference I can make to hopefully be able to prove myself to whoever the man (or woman) may be that is going to decide my future as a Marine the worst case scenario, not making it that far at all.
I really appreciate everyone replying and giving your advice and knowledge on my current situation, and thank you brownshoe, hopefully I can make it through. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Breaking & Entering and Destruction of Private Property
The destruction wasn't me though, was a "friend" I was with at the time. I wasn't even there when he did it', but somehow I had that smacked on along with him.
EDIT: Idk if it matters as well but, it wasn't the B&E you see on the news, we had been drinking and went into an "Open House" (for sale kinda thing) and the shed in its backyard.
I actually don't believe it mentions anything as far as alcohol goes in the court documents.
Also was just reading online again and was curious, would any sort of notable Military Criminal Defense Attorney be of any help?
The bottom line is that even though the record is expunged/hidden, you plead guilty to a felony. Your lawyer was trying to keep you out of jail and give you the opportunity to have a successful career in life - which you can still do, just not in military service.
Your only recourse at this point is to ask your lawyer if he can enter a motion to change the plea to not guilty or the crime to a misdemeanor or whatever other legal wizardry that would remove the felony conviction...but the arrest might be enough to get the USMC to pass on you.
I thank you for that suggestion, I understand that I am in all reality probably very unlikely to become a Marine but it's not very easy to give up on a dream. So I can't just stop at that and not pursue it any further.