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Female Naval Pilot


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I've seen plenty of people of either gender get more second chances than they deserve. While the Navy definitely experienced some growing pains in the 90s integrating women into aviation, I would say that it's a pretty level playing field these days.

Everyone has their own anecdotal experiences. Personally, throughout my career, I've seen a greater number of females get second or 6th chances than males. I've also seen average to below average females get anointed as community (or squadron) stars. Interestingly, this was a topic that came up the other day (among other times in the last couple of years...long story as to why) and it's not just me. People from different coasts and even communities have witnessed it, as well.

Disclaimer: no sour grapes here. I've been lucky to have good timing with decent performance, so I make the above observation as a somewhat impartial third party. If some of you haven't seen this, that's good (for the Navy), but it does happen.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own anecdotal experiences. Personally, throughout my career, I've seen a greater number of females get second or 6th chances than males. I've also seen average to below average females get anointed as community (or squadron) stars. Interestingly, this was a topic that came up the other day (among other times in the last couple of years...long story as to why) and it's not just me. People from different coasts and even communities have witnessed it, as well.

Disclaimer: no sour grapes here. I've been lucky to have good timing with decent performance, so I make the above observation as a somewhat impartial third party. If some of you haven't seen this, that's good (for the Navy), but it does happen.
Quite a few years ago I would see females getting a pass more than males, I remember one DIVO her spaces could have been on fire and the Dept Head would walk through saying everything looks fine, her relief got screwed, the Dept Head did a space check and said things looked fine, 2 days later when her relief (a male) had taken over he went through and said the space looked like shit, I felt for him.

Now I think its better but I am more concerned about the favorites getting passes, both sexes that are average performers getting choice jobs because of who they know and ones that bust there ass getting nothing good because they don't have lunch with the right people.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Now I think its better but I am more concerned about the favorites getting passes, both sexes that are average performers getting choice jobs because of who they know and ones that bust there ass getting nothing good because they don't have lunch with the right people.

Certainly a problem, although I think it's been an issue since the days of the Phoenicians...or was it the Peloponnesians? I can never keep those two straight.


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Today is far different.

But I was old school. I encountered some of the very 1st female aviators, and my head was spinning. It was like the 1st time I saw and tried to hit a curve ball. WTF are these people?

Although I never flew with her, one of the first had a reasonable good rep as an aviator, and she became a friend of my wife and I. Another one I had the pleasure of sending her back to her sponsor sugar-daddy admiral with cause, denying her CQ! She had no business as a Naval Aviator. And one I made an ACM instructor because she was better than most all of the others... and the weaker others were pissed.

If you can hack it, you are in. If not, goodbye. I hope this still applies.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Justin Halpern said:
"It means that the future leaders of your country - I say "your" 'cause I'll have long decomposed - are gonna be people that have absolutely no experience with actual confrontation. Thirty years from now the President of the most powerful country in the world is going to be some little shit who sat at his computer and hurled insults three feet away from his mommy's tit like it was no big deal. I don't condone fighting, but when a human being understands that his or her actions might result in a giant fist up his or her ass, he or she learns a thing or two about acting before they speak. All I'm saying is, I'm glad I'm going to be dead. Also, happy birthday. That's why I called."

Brilliant. I just found my new mission statement.

Anyway, OP: tell your sister not to sweat what some assclown says online. The integration of the girls into Naval Air was not smooth, but that's almost 20 years past now. Women are fully integrated into Naval Aviation. There's female aviator CAGs, captains and admirals. So all the career doors are open to her, it's up to her to have the desire, talent, luck and timing to go through them.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
show up, shut up, work harder than everyone else (tell this to guys too), and don't put up with shit from immature dudes who's problem with her has more to do with their own insecurities than her abilities. and if she ever decides to play the "but i'm a girl card" (and in 99% of the situations it will be unwarranted) - she should quit.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
This thread reminds me of 2:15 in this video:

In all seriousness, though, like everyone else has said, your gender won't make you succeed or keep you from succeeding in Naval aviation. Basically, if you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggoneit, people like you, you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Officers can be denied a commission for excessive ugliness.

We must see a pic to make sure she is not wasting her time.