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Female Suicide Bomber in Iraq


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
From today's Early Bird.

The [female] bomber who struck in Baquba, the provincial capital, wore a vest padded with powerful explosives and laced with small projectiles, which appeared to be iron ball bearings, the officials said. The magnitude of the blast raised questions about the sophistication of the bomb, which witnesses described as unusually strong.

Actually having seen a lot of these women, they probably could hide 100 pounds of HE on their bodies under their burqas and you'd never know it.



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Using females as suicide bombers is another indicator of how desperate insurgents and especially Al Qaeda has gotten. The use of female bombers by Muslim extremist has been nearly unheard of until Al Qaeda in Iraq started to get desperate. Another indicator is the cost of "hiring" suicide bombers. Many months ago the payment to the family of suicide bombers started to go up dramatical. Apply your basic economics. If the cost has gone up then that means there are not enough people that can be convinced to blow themselves up, whether for the cause, or simple economic survival of the bomber's family. Either way, those are small signs of improvement.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
What's next, child suicide bombers?
I see an op for a good discussion. Child suicide bomber fails and we catch him......does he go to juvi until age 18? what do you do with a child? Is there sucha thing as rehabbing a terrorist/extremist. In a modern day crime and punishment system, those that can be rehabbed are released albeit after a lengthy sentence. So what sentence is proper? What about granting amnesty to terrorists that are holed up in mosques? Welcome to Iraq/Afghanistan! :icon_rage


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I see an op for a good discussion. Child suicide bomber fails and we catch him......does he go to juvi until age 18? what do you do with a child? Is there sucha thing as rehabbing a terrorist/extremist. In a modern day crime and punishment system, those that can be rehabbed are released albeit after a lengthy sentence. So what sentence is proper? What about granting amnesty to terrorists that are holed up in mosques? Welcome to Iraq/Afghanistan! :icon_rage
Not an issue any more thanks to the Supremes. Child terrorist will get access to the civil court system and claim he was dropped on his head by his mother and his father abused him. He ate lead paint off the walls at the Madrassa where he was bullied for being fat. He will be released because he had a tough childhood and it just wasn't the dear thing's fault.


Well-Known Member
I see an op for a good discussion. Child suicide bomber fails and we catch him......does he go to juvi until age 18? what do you do with a child? Is there sucha thing as rehabbing a terrorist/extremist. In a modern day crime and punishment system, those that can be rehabbed are released albeit after a lengthy sentence. So what sentence is proper? What about granting amnesty to terrorists that are holed up in mosques? Welcome to Iraq/Afghanistan! :icon_rage

I would treat him like a terrorist and ignore age. Feral children can not be cured (due to the psychological development process in children), and likewise, indoctrination of hatred since childbirth can not be deprogrammed. Our having mercy in any way toward terrorism of any form is our downfall.

Furthermore, processing this type of criminal through a first-world criminal justice system, in my mind, is equally useless. Trials accomplish nothing. The terrorist will not play the game, and not relent. Read a book like lone survivor, and you'll realize that sometimes (read: oftentimes) the PC answer (as dramatic as he makes it in the book) is NOT the right answer. Sometimes you HAVE to execute a 14 year old child because one life could save 5, etc etc.

I'm just a dumb kid, but that's my 2 pennies.


Former SWO
Well, the "good" thing about children is that if they can be brainwashed one way, they can be more easily brainwashed back another way than can adults.


Well-Known Member
Well, the "good" thing about children is that if they can be brainwashed one way, they can be more easily brainwashed back another way than can adults.

Refer to my post above. Not always true.

Sometimes if the child misses a phase in his/her psychological development, it can NOT be replaced later on in life. If a child does not learn language at the proper time, he will NEVER be able to speak or process language (not my feral child example).


Apply your basic economics. If the cost has gone up then that means there are not enough people that can be convinced to blow themselves up, whether for the cause, or simple economic survival of the bomber's family.

Which likely means that those who may have thought about doing it are realizing that it isn't very successful at achieving the strategic goals.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Which likely means that those who may have thought about doing it are realizing that it isn't very successful at achieving the strategic goals.
I really don't think the typical suicide bomber thinks about the strategic goal. Come on now. The vast majority of bombers are simply religious extremists full of hate willing to kill whoever they are told to as long as they become a martyr. Some do it for the money, acclaim and respect it will bring their family and tribe.


Working Plan B
Refer to my post above. Not always true.

Sometimes if the child misses a phase in his/her psychological development, it can NOT be replaced later on in life. If a child does not learn language at the proper time, he will NEVER be able to speak or process language (not my feral child example).

Bogey, come on...

Feral childran are not the same as Madrassa children, not no way, not no how.

If you can bring back child-soldiers, followers of Dear Leader, and Kamikaze pilots who never took off, you can bring back some of these kids.

Like anything, the mileage WILL vary...

Which likely means that those who may have thought about doing it are realizing that it isn't very successful at achieving the strategic goals.

I can't even begin to imagine how you would begin to go about trying to produce good statistical salience on the viability of suicide bombing one way or the other. There's so much other crap in their that would muddle the model.


sure thing
-This relates more to the origianal post-
The French had a big problem with women bombers in Algeria. Anyone seen "The Battle Of Algeirs"? It is a good movie, with the same problems we have today in Iraq. They struggled to win the hearts and minds, while at the same time hunting terrorists. Of course they eventually failed, probably because they were French.