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Female Suicide Bomber in Iraq


Active Member
Using females as suicide bombers is another indicator of how desperate insurgents and especially Al Qaeda has gotten. The use of female bombers by Muslim extremist has been nearly unheard of until Al Qaeda in Iraq started to get desperate.

While this isn't the norm for AQI, the use of female suicide bombers by Muslim extremists isn't new. The Tamil Tigers, Chechen Black Widows, PKK, PIJ and SSNP have all used female suicide bombers with varying degrees of success. The SSNP was doing it in the 80's in Lebanon. The Tamil Tigers probably had one of the more high profile attacks with the assasination of Rajiv Gandhi. A picture of Gandhi with the LTTE bomber just prior to the attack is commonly used as a training point on perceived threats. Though it's possible that desperation is driving this latest development, I'm hesitant to to look at AQI's use as anything more than an enemy that is adapting their TTPs to a changing environment.


sure thing
To add: Wasn't there a back and forth argument just weeks ago (publicy) between high ranking Al-Qaida and women wanting the chance to be used for attacks, and they were told their place was at home raisng male terrorists. Could have been a ploy to throw off coalition forces? could be dissention among followers? Anyone want to throw out ideas?


former Marine F/A-18 pilot & FAC, current MBA stud
There's two ways to look at it. Would it be rehabbing the individual, or would it be "amnesty" to help in national reconciliation and rebuilding? Depends on how you look at it.


Working Plan B
There's two ways to look at it. Would it be rehabbing the individual, or would it be "amnesty" to help in national reconciliation and rebuilding? Depends on how you look at it.

One who makes an argument for either one of those would likely make it for both... :confused:

The other side of the coin is: we're sending a message of weakness on the large scale by letting them off easy / giving a fundamentalist a second chance at to blow himself up.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
One who makes an argument for either one of those would likely make it for both... :confused:

The other side of the coin is: we're sending a message of weakness on the large scale by letting them off easy / giving a fundamentalist a second chance at to blow himself up.
"We're" not sending any messages. Reconciliation is the policy of the Afghan National Government who "we" (ISAF) are supporting.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Female bombers are obviously lower on the priority list than being sure to follow societal and cultural protocols.

For example: Iraqi men will not search Iraqi women who are not their wives for explosives...even if their own lives and their families lives are at serious risk. It just isn't done.


Well-Known Member
Funny, the local woman in the article describes her society as Oriental..

Wasn't that just being argued yesterday?


DAR Lapsarian
Bogey, come on...

Feral childran are not the same as Madrassa children, not no way, not no how.

If you can bring back child-soldiers, followers of Dear Leader, and Kamikaze pilots who never took off, you can bring back some of these kids.

Like anything, the mileage WILL vary...

I can't even begin to imagine how you would begin to go about trying to produce good statistical salience on the viability of suicide bombing one way or the other. There's so much other crap in their that would muddle the model.
If Chomsky is right, then a person older than 7 is much more difficult to teach--although I'd like to think not impossible to re-program.

As far as religious extremists using critical thinking or reason to analyze a strategic approach--I pretty much doubt they think past the rewards they hope to reap in the afterlife.


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
As far as religious extremists using critical thinking or reason to analyze a strategic approach--I pretty much doubt they think past the rewards they hope to reap in the afterlife.
...and the rewards their surviving family has been promised in this life.