With speed and intensity!It's the dream.
With speed and intensity!It's the dream.
But, of course! IT'S THE DREAM!!With speed and intensity!
I got PROREC'd on Feb24 and my FINSEL letter is dated Mar25. Not long at all.For those of you that got your FINSEL how long after it got to the NRC processor level did you get it. If you tracked your stuff.
No that's just 1 month I just wonder what's going to go on with the rest of us with security clearances. I'm just anxious and ready to go.I got PROREC'd on Feb24 and my FINSEL letter is dated Mar25. Not long at all.
Clearances can take several months, especially since it's a top secret clearance. I already have a secret clearance (which may have expedited the process somewhat) but I have to fill out an entire SF86 tonight for my TSNo that's just 1 month I just wonder what's going to go on with the rest of us with security clearances. I'm just anxious and ready to go.
Roger I'm well aware. I've had my clearance for 8 years now. I figured being active duty currently I would have gotten my letter pretty quickly. But I'm just going to sit back and remain patient hope to see you all down the road!Clearances can take several months, especially since it's a top secret clearance. I already have a secret clearance (which may have expedited the process somewhat) but I have to fill out an entire SF86 tonight for my TS.
Also, my FINSEL set at my NOSC for about 6 days before I called and asked them to look for it because I saw some folks on here were getting their FINSEL. Also, make sure your mailing address and recruiter's name is accurate on your application. I looked at mine a few weeks ago and noticed some information was inaccurate so I emailed the help desk and they told me to redo Pg. 1 of my app and send it back to them. Otherwise, I imagine I could have still been waiting.No that's just 1 month I just wonder what's going to go on with the rest of us with security clearances. I'm just anxious and ready to go.
Ive looked over my packet several times and it's all good to go. It's all at the NRC processor level now just trying to get a timetable on when I should here something back. It's been there for about a week.Also, my FINSEL set at my NOSC for about 6 days before I called and asked them to look for it because I saw some folks on here were getting their FINSEL. Also, make sure your mailing address and recruiter's name is accurate on your application. I looked at mine a few weeks ago and noticed some information was inaccurate so I emailed the help desk and they told me to redo Pg. 1 of my app and send it back to them. Otherwise, I imagine I could have still been waiting.
Yeah. It seemed like there was a big flush for NFO/SNA and now it's quiet.Crickets in Fin-Sel Purg the last few weeks, yeah?
We'll see more people checking out here later this month and in early May.Around Jun/July this will start to get busy again with everyone pushed to FY 16 getting their orders. Can't wait!!
Anyone heard any update on their final select letter?