Looks like I will be your candio!Talked to the OCS Detailer today to find out if I have a date scheduled. Told me that I am scheduled for the 6 September class but he cannot release my orders until it gets closer to my class. Looks like ill be seeing a few of you guys up there...
I look forward to it. If I have a candio, that means that my commission date is getting closer and closer.Looks like I will be your candio!
Talked to the OCS Detailer today to find out if I have a date scheduled. Told me that I am scheduled for the 6 September class but he cannot release my orders until it gets closer to my class. Looks like ill be seeing a few of you guys up there...
If enlisted swim test has any bearing when instructors want a survival stroke/deadman float they give you instructions immediately preceding the test. If you are seeking a higher qualification proficiency with more than one stroke and the survival stroke are required.From my understanding what you mentioned in the first paragraph is the basic swim test. I think you can use any basic stroke (freestyle, back, breast, etc). I think if you want to qualify for the advance swim qualification you have to use more than stroke.
Can anyone shed some light on what happens if your N3M PQ expires before OCS? Mine seems to have lapsed in April, so it was valid when my kit went to board in March but my recruiting office just caught that it's now out of date. Will I need another full physical, like starting from square one? Or is it slightly different (ideally, faster) since I've already been cleared once? Really hoping this isn't going to derail my July 5 OCS date and send me back to purgatory. I know the office is working on it and will do what they can but I could use some reassurance while I wait, if there's any to be had.
EDIT: I've already received my FINSEL, sworn in, and got my orders if that makes a difference.
Thanks, I get the impression they are on top of it. The stations in this area seem to have a good working relationship with Walter Reed and the plan is to get an appointment there.I have had that happen before, it was back to square one, they should be getting on this fast to get everything done.
Talked to the OCS Detailer today to find out if I have a date scheduled. Told me that I am scheduled for the 6 September class but he cannot release my orders until it gets closer to my class. Looks like ill be seeing a few of you guys up there...
Get back under that bridge!Post #3000 for this thread.
Awesome! Congratulations to you both. Be sure to pass along the facebook link to him: https://m.facebook.com/groups/848663241837091?ref=m_notif¬if_t=like&_rdrMy husband never gets on this forum so I thought I would post for him that he is a swo from the February board and has just been told his date is august 16.
My husband never gets on this forum so I thought I would post for him that he is a swo from the February board and has just been told his date is august 16.