I was told in December that I to redo mine, since I had passed the 90 day mark. Finally got over to Memphis on Tuesday to get them redone. I was told it would be a few weeks after they were submitted before I would get my FINSEL. So my waiting game continues.Got a call yesterday saying that my 86 and meps finger prints didn't mesh within 90 days of each other so I have to go get re finger printed before I'll get my letter.
Can anyone else confirm that the time between doing this and getting a finsel is a few weeks? I'm working a sales job that is quiet terrible and would love to quit and spend some time with family before OCS, currently financially comfortable enough to be unemployed for about 3 months.
I wouldn't. My job has boiled down to removing staples from things for 8 hours a day and I'm not quitting until I get the letter. Been in purgatory for 5 months now. I've seen too many people have to wait longer (recently, a SWO the other day finally got hers after a year and a half in purgatory) to risk it. I was told I had a perspective date in March, still not quitting till I get the letter in hand. Although not receiving a finsel is apparently rare now (moreso it having the possibility of taking forever to arrive than that), Id' rather not burn through the money I've saved up just to find that I need to get a new job during the wait that's been extended.
This is definitely the most reasonable course of action and probably the safest.
As I have been told by my recruiter and family (mom and dad who are retired Navy, and brother who is active duty), this is all part of joining and everyone goes through it. And weeks could mean everything from 2 weeks to several months. Waiting will become a big part of our lives once we are actually in the Navy, so this is good practice. My personal opinion would be to save your money, and try to tough it out because you will have jobs in the Navy you don't like but have to do anyway. I do not have the luxury of leaving early, so I will most likely be working at my current job until I get the FINSEL at the earliest, but more likely until my replacement is in place. So basically, right up to my OCS start date. I hope our wait isn't too long, but it doesn't do any good to dwell on it.Can anyone else confirm that the time between doing this and getting a finsel is a few weeks? I'm working a sales job that is quiet terrible and would love to quit and spend some time with family before OCS, currently financially comfortable enough to be unemployed for about 3 months.
Congrats! Too bad I'll be one class behind you. I'll keep an eye out for you though. I get to OcSMarch 27th.Received FinSel. March 6th. See y'all soon.