this is a good guide. <
First off. be able to meet the navy's physical standards.
I kid you not. memorize Appendix B verbatim. you may think it impossible but you will do it the hard way if need be.
Your first major event will be your initial PT test. if you fail that, you will be set back a mandatory three weeks in a holding class (hell where its 24/7 boot camp)
Plan on being much weaker than you normally are because that first few days before the test, you will be doing medical and a lot of sitting around Indian style on the deck. Food will be sandwich with water for a little bit.
in addition to the appendix, there may be some unit specific ditties and chants you will have to learn word for word.
Use the first week to learn the OCS way of things prior to meeting with your drill instructors.
there are some uniform inspections and room inspections that need to be taken seriously. fail them and you will be there an additional 3 weeks. Fail an exam twice and the same can happen.
Cool thing about OCS, you will have the chance to interact will senior classes who will give you tips and secrets to succeed. OCS changes quit often so my experience may be a lil different from yours.
If you are good with Appendix B and you are in shape, there is a high chance you will graduate on time and not have to spend extra months there.
Also... DO NOT quit OCS. Think about the people who wished to be selected and weren't because of quotas. The staff are awesome at the end.
TIP... In the beginning, volunteer for class billets/jobs (President/VP ect.) Do not run for Adjutant or Med Body in the beginning. It is simply extra work for no extra credit and you can still get rolled back three weeks if your regular duties are not to par. (For that job, you may get to keep your cell phone through training though). Hard thing about OCS is graduating on time... good thing almost everyone graduates.
I'm not going to say too much. You need to experience your own bit of hell. It can be fun.