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Finally made my decision - going to VMI


oh! you're going to be cadre for that first week? :skull_125 :toast_125:williamte:scared_12


No, I will be a Color Sergeant next year though, and will be responsible for running the ROC, essentially the headquarters for Hell. . .err, I mean Matriculation Week. I'll probably be wandering the stoops as well, making sure everything is running as planned and everyone is where they ought to be.

I also put my fair share of time in on the stoop, pushing the Rats. It's great stress relief.;)

But seriously, it'll be tough, but you can make it. Just don't take anything personally.


New Member
Turned down ERAU huh? Maybe that will open up a slot for me, whose first choice was ERAU....

Congrats on the decision and scholarship and best of luck next year!


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
Turned down ERAU huh? Maybe that will open up a slot for me, whose first choice was ERAU....

Congrats on the decision and scholarship and best of luck next year!


about ERAU, have you been talking with CAPT Moore, the NROTC CO there? (i'm assuming you have the NROTC scholarship but no slots at ERAU?)


How do you fly a Clipper?
Honestly, no matter how badly we may lose, I would love to see the Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl games down in Roanoke return. The hijinks associated with the game and the atmosphere surrounding the game would be cool.

Sorry for the slight jack. YES that game would be so awesome. It really would be cool if they brought back the pre-gameday dinner too - obviously it would probably be the actual VTCC eating with the Keydets though, since none of them are on the team.

The game would be awesome...no matter how uneven the competition, it would definitely be cool to see some of the old antics revived. Unfortunately, the 'powers that be' in the VTCC are trying to tone down all of the 'spirit mission' stuff. :icon_rage Next it will be castration.


Sorry for the slight jack. YES that game would be so awesome. It really would be cool if they brought back the pre-gameday dinner too - obviously it would probably be the actual VTCC eating with the Keydets though, since none of them are on the team.

The game would be awesome...no matter how uneven the competition, it would definitely be cool to see some of the old antics revived. Unfortunately, the 'powers that be' in the VTCC are trying to tone down all of the 'spirit mission' stuff. :icon_rage Next it will be castration.

I hear you brother, we have our own problems with the Administration trying to tone everything down. It just leads to a lackluster experience. Half the fun of the VMI experience is the stupid/crazy antics. Would definitely love to revive the capturing of cadets and then repatriating the kidnapees on game day.


Is it baseball season yet?
I hear you brother, we have our own problems with the Administration trying to tone everything down. It just leads to a lackluster experience. Half the fun of the VMI experience is the stupid/crazy antics. Would definitely love to revive the capturing of cadets and then repatriating the kidnapees on game day.

Same here. Ugh. Agree 100%.


Is it baseball season yet?
At :58 are they playing "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands?"



In truth, that is rather lame. I have seen better videos dealing with the same subject matter. The shots of Break Out Hill are nice though.


New Member
well it was decent, but the video repeated itself, so that sucked. actually the mud pit thing looks fun. but you know it's probably the complete oppisite.


well it was decent, but the video repeated itself, so that sucked. actually the mud pit thing looks fun. but you know it's probably the complete oppisite.

That "mud pit thing" is Break Out Hill. Imagine getting mud stuck in your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc. Too bad it isn't used in Break Out anymore. :(


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
well i liked it. :eek: especially the way she had the music timed with the upperclassman going up a stoop at 2:40. don is right about the repeating, but she obviously did that on purpose to go with the music.

(oh well, i'll hide now... :eek:)