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Fired Up!

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I just had to post what someone said to me tonight. I work in a bar/restaurant. My new girlfriend happened to mention that I was brought up in conversation the other day. she told me how a bunch of people laughed at the idea that I think I will oneday become a Marine officer. They said Ive been chasing this dream too long, and my eyes will not permit me to ever fly(even though Im at 20/20 now). She told me that they truly doubted I will make it...

My response.... F#$K THEM!!! I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO FIRED UP!!! In the last year of application, I have learned the history of the Marines, basic military customs and courtesies,how to drill, how to fly a plane, the basics of jujitsu, how to run competitively, how to swim a mile, and how to never give up! I dont care what the hell anyone says, I will get into OCS, and I WILL BE A MARINE OFFICER!!!

The purpose of this thread was to tell anyone in doubt, dont listen to any BS anyone gives you. I know what I can do. I know what I will do. I dont care how long it takes!!! Dont let any a$$hole tell you what you can do!!! Feed off other peoples lack of motivation to fuel your fire!!!!! See you in 187!!! OOH FRIIGIN RAH!!!! -Reaper


Registered User
Oohrah!! Those that say it can't be done, should get out of the way of those who are doing it.

Those doubters are just pissed off at their own lot in life - they are full of regrets and now they wish they had the balls to go for what they had dreamed about.
That's great! That's exactly how I feel every time someone looks at me funny or tells me I'm crazy when I tell them my main goal in life is to be a military officer. I think they just don't get it...


War were declared.
I guess this makes your job a little easier then, Reaper. You just remember those jackasses laughing at you when you run your PFT, and remember it when you are in Quantico.

I too had some "friends" insinuate that I would never become a Marine Officer, as it took me 2 years to get selected. I wonder what ever happened to those guys?


Registered User
That kind of sh*t pisses me off too. I will tell you what man, I have a had a couple of people, so called friends, say that the military is not for me and I wouldnt make it. Well, Im glad they are telling me that bull, cause it only fuels my fire and makes me want to succeed even more. To hell with these people.


OCC 186 Bound

my entire life has been one protracted episode of proving my naysayers wrong. As a matter of fact, I think I've accomplished as much as I have just out of spite. lol

Screw 'em, bro. Riley nailed it--they're cowards who never had the balls to pursue their dreams. You do. And that alone puts you in a class above them. The only ones you have left to prove anything to is yourself & the Corps. Ooorah!


Registered User
I try not to get too poetic/melodramatic often - but this is one of those times you'll have to forgive me.

For all those whose passion is flight - you have to read "Wind, Sand, and Stars" by Antoine De Saint-Exupery (he was a Frenchman who pioneered the mail routes in Africa and South America in the 1920's - he flew for the Free French in WWII and was lost on a patrol mission flying P-38s in 1944) Politics aside he is one of the best writers of aviation stories ever. I thought the following quote from his book fit this situation - for all the naysayers and cowards out in the world that have given up before they even began to try (of which we are not a part of):

"Old bureaucrat, my comrade, it is not you who are to blame. No one ever helped you to escape. You, like a termite, built your peace by blocking up with cement every chink and cranny through which the light might pierce. You rolled yourself up into a ball in your genteel security, in routine, in the stifling conventions of provincial life, raising a modest rampart against the winds and the tides and the stars. You have chosen not to be perturbed by great problems, having trouble enough to forget your own fate as man. You are not the dweller upon an errant planet and do not ask yourself questions to which there are no answers. You are a petty bourgeois of Toulouse. Nobody grasped you by the shoulder while there was still time. Now the clay of which your were shaped has dried and hardened, and naught in you will ever awaken the sleeping musician, the poet, the astronomer that possibly inhabited you in the beginning."


Registered User
Well I get that alot from stupid loosers
Specialy because I'm hispanic..all they say when was the last time a hispanic pilot was in the news..or when was the last time a hispanic pilot flew a jet..all I say is that I will be the first one then
.. so they can all kiss my hispanic.F..k
.a@@s..One time I even got in a fight just because of that..haa I feel bad for the guy now.


Yeah, its just one of those things. People are ignorant! But sometimes I need it. Makes me want to do better. So many kids I know (especially in a restaurant) are stuck. I know I will get there. I saw on Discovery Wings once, there was a Blue Angel pilot who was rejected to OCS 4 times!!! See, that goes to show... anything can be done!!!


Enroute to VMAQ-1
Enrique, one of my T-2 instructors was Hispanic and he was a Harrier pilot. STRONG accent, but one of the best instructors there. What the hell does your nationality have to do with anything anyway?
Just a tidbit of info for you anyway...


Registered User
welll yes u are correct pat..nationality has no nothing to do with flying or leadership
.But you find people that are stuck in the civil war and think that just because you don't have blue eyes etc..you can't be an officer or a pilot..and i'm from a navy town i wonder what the south part of the country thinks ?

One time I ask a Gunny in a airshow have you ever had a hispanic officer in your grunt unit. And the gunny response was "whhmm lol lol NO why do we need hispanic officers in the marines theye are only good for cleaning toilets" I was WTF
... I just was wow dude.. I was ok thanks adios puto..

I know they are Generals in the army like in Irak. Like general Sanchez the big boss.But I wonder whos as@@ did he kiss so he could be a General? I just think stuff like that. Because I'm not kissing no as@@to get in or to be pilot..

People think things like this don't happen but they do..so do I give a f..k Not any more..they can go and fu..k f.a.c.e country. People like that stupid Gunny it makes me stronger (but not hate full)


Registered User
it happens..I think in enlgish and i write spanish..I think in spanish and write in english..or think is spanih and talk in english.lolol Just like math people..they read everything in numbers..lolol
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