I just had to post what someone said to me tonight. I work in a bar/restaurant. My new girlfriend happened to mention that I was brought up in conversation the other day. she told me how a bunch of people laughed at the idea that I think I will oneday become a Marine officer. They said Ive been chasing this dream too long, and my eyes will not permit me to ever fly(even though Im at 20/20 now). She told me that they truly doubted I will make it...
My response.... F#$K THEM!!! I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO FIRED UP!!! In the last year of application, I have learned the history of the Marines, basic military customs and courtesies,how to drill, how to fly a plane, the basics of jujitsu, how to run competitively, how to swim a mile, and how to never give up! I dont care what the hell anyone says, I will get into OCS, and I WILL BE A MARINE OFFICER!!!
The purpose of this thread was to tell anyone in doubt, dont listen to any BS anyone gives you. I know what I can do. I know what I will do. I dont care how long it takes!!! Dont let any a$$hole tell you what you can do!!! Feed off other peoples lack of motivation to fuel your fire!!!!! See you in 187!!! OOH FRIIGIN RAH!!!! -Reaper
My response.... F#$K THEM!!! I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO FIRED UP!!! In the last year of application, I have learned the history of the Marines, basic military customs and courtesies,how to drill, how to fly a plane, the basics of jujitsu, how to run competitively, how to swim a mile, and how to never give up! I dont care what the hell anyone says, I will get into OCS, and I WILL BE A MARINE OFFICER!!!
The purpose of this thread was to tell anyone in doubt, dont listen to any BS anyone gives you. I know what I can do. I know what I will do. I dont care how long it takes!!! Dont let any a$$hole tell you what you can do!!! Feed off other peoples lack of motivation to fuel your fire!!!!! See you in 187!!! OOH FRIIGIN RAH!!!! -Reaper