Well, these Lionesses (funny story behind that name) actually are not doing the same job as us grunts, what they are doing is attaching to an infantry patrol as a public affairs element and gathering intel from a source that has been delivering some actionable intel, while operating within and respecting the local culture.I am WOMAN, hear me roar! Got it. They are equal. Got it. They can do the same job as men. Got it.
Check out the article in the New York Times today about lobbying for women to join light infantry units and other combat arms.
Wonder what the other grunts think of this. I have a sneaking suspicion that like most modern journalism (if you can call it that), the whole story is not given equal footing IOT prop up their view.
Now as to the question of women being allowed to join infantry units, the idea is most feasable when you employ it in the realm of Special Operations. Having a cadre of infantry trained female Marines, is of some value in the conflicts that we are fighting in today, and by keeping the community small and "elite" you don't have to worry about standards for battalions falling, and you attract the right sort of people a la what the SOG/SAD does with it's female officers (information is from the LCPL Underground so take with salt), or the Thailand Army Rangers. However to mix them in with Infantry Battalions would be a recockulously stupid idea.