Was in a Total Wine for the first time a month ag0...........it confused and scared me, so I went to the ABC and bought a bottle of Scotch. On a side note, this has probably already been asked and answered, but why no MAD boom on the P-8? Is MAD outdated technology or is it done with different sensors?
They couldn't make it work with without making the aircraft go over budget... And the VP community was willing to sacrifice almost anything to keep that program on track and on budget.
They couldn't get the retractable MAD out far enough to clear the aircrafts own magnetic interference appearently.
And the bar scene is much better as a VP guy on deployment. Boat deployments are lame. The view and the view sucks, the hot water cuts out, there's no perdiem to offset all those stays in 5 star hotels and buying stuff, you have duty every 4th day, there's no booze unless it's a 2 rapidly warming nearly expired cans on a beer day and then there's a 1 in 3 chance you'll have watch anyways, and any time you do find a bar, every body and their brother you wanted to get away from are right there with you...
VP deployments are much better... Unless you get stuck in the desert, then they're only better than the boat.