Yup, these guys-
Dare I ask what they are doing in that picture? It looks like they are playing pass the MK-84 on ice....
Partially correct. When it was first in the conceptual stage, the USMC was willing to honcho the efforts and they approached the Navy (maybe the Army as well, but not sure) about helping with the money. Our budget isn't huge, so that's why we'll try and partner with other services for acquisition if we can. Got a big "FU" from them, so MARCORSYSCOM decided that the camo pattern would include EGA's so they could trademark it and prevent other services from using it.As for why we all don't wear the MARPAT, I have been told (so if this is incorrect, I'm sure a Marine on this forum will correct me) is that the MARPAT has the Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem incorporated into the pattern. Therefore, the Marines only want Marines and personnel in support of the Marines (Docs, Chaplains, Corpsmen, etc) wearing the uniform. It was conceived as a Marine Corps specific uniform and they do not want just anyone wearing it.
Partially correct. When it was first in the conceptual stage, the USMC was willing to honcho the efforts and they approached the Navy (maybe the Army as well, but not sure) about helping with the money. Our budget isn't huge, so that's why we'll try and partner with other services for acquisition if we can. Got a big "FU" from them, so MARCORSYSCOM decided that the camo pattern would include EGA's so they could trademark it and prevent other services from using it.
However, the Nazis pretty much gave the Marines all the justification they should ever need.
A great story I have heard over and over again but have never seen anything more concrete than talk to back it up. I remember when it first came out some Marines touted almost the exact opposite story, that it was their idea to come up with something different to differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack.
As for the development costs being borne by the USMC alone it appears that might not be the case according to this random internet posting. Knowing that everything you find on the internet is trustworthy I of course don't doubt it but the timing and the design similarity certainly fit. But then that story wouldn't fit into some sort of USMC 'legend' about it going on it's own, alone and unafraid. Using funds generated from stolen....whoops, I mean 'remissioned'.......bicycles and per diem funds.
A zipper so you can take a crap without worrying about your flight suit arms falling into the head... ?
Did you get your ass kicked by a Marine when you were younger?