"Upgrade" to pilot? 
If (1) the AF will let you go, and (2) if the Navy needs bodies in your YG, you probably have a shot at it.
If the Navy needs NFOs in your YG, they would probably bring you over as a FO. I have no idea if they would retread you...depends on what CNATRA, CNAF and BUPERS think of the CSO syllabus' equivalency to the Trawing 6 pipeline.
I doubt they'd "upgrade" you. I know the AF is a lot easier about that with their junior rated guys...barring medical/performance issues, the Navy either redesignates guys right away (i.e., before they class up in Primary) or makes you wait until you're done with your first fleet tour as an NFO.
As for your career in the Navy...no one gives a shit where Ensigns come from. Won't matter in the slightest...maybe give you shit about all your extra ribbons.
I answered your question about whether it was possible. If you want advice about whether it'd be a good idea... If you're looking to go Navy because you think it'll get you into the front seat, I'd stay stay in the AF. Navy redesignation does happen, but it's not easy nor common and the AF does do it more routinely (my perception, anyway).
If it's because you don't like the AF, I'd say at least give the operational side a shot before you decide to jump ship. The TRACOM is nothing like the Fleet, and I assume the same is true of the Air Force.

If (1) the AF will let you go, and (2) if the Navy needs bodies in your YG, you probably have a shot at it.
If the Navy needs NFOs in your YG, they would probably bring you over as a FO. I have no idea if they would retread you...depends on what CNATRA, CNAF and BUPERS think of the CSO syllabus' equivalency to the Trawing 6 pipeline.
I doubt they'd "upgrade" you. I know the AF is a lot easier about that with their junior rated guys...barring medical/performance issues, the Navy either redesignates guys right away (i.e., before they class up in Primary) or makes you wait until you're done with your first fleet tour as an NFO.
As for your career in the Navy...no one gives a shit where Ensigns come from. Won't matter in the slightest...maybe give you shit about all your extra ribbons.

I answered your question about whether it was possible. If you want advice about whether it'd be a good idea... If you're looking to go Navy because you think it'll get you into the front seat, I'd stay stay in the AF. Navy redesignation does happen, but it's not easy nor common and the AF does do it more routinely (my perception, anyway).
If it's because you don't like the AF, I'd say at least give the operational side a shot before you decide to jump ship. The TRACOM is nothing like the Fleet, and I assume the same is true of the Air Force.