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Alright, I would like to join a frat, but I don't know if I'll be able to balance a frat with AFROTC. I'm going for a pilot slot, so I need to keep a strong presence around the det, but I want to join a frat because a lot of my friends are in frats and the other obvious reasons. BTW, hazing is still legal in AZ.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Uhh.....you don't know if you're going to be able to balance the time between the two? My suggestion: figure it out. If you really want to be in a frat, then fine, but make sure your ROTC performance suffers because of it. I know around here frat activities are NO excuse for missing battalion stuff. Your frat isn't going to get you a pilot slot.

.......but......maybe........the Air Force is different.....


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
NozeMan said:
Your frat isn't going to get you a pilot slot.

Probably one of the best quotes I've seen posted.

I've also known plenty of guys who went "greek style" (hah hah) and did ROTC at the same time, and still ended up with flight slots. I've known just as many who dropped out of ROTC because the frat was more important to them (we all have different priorities I suppose). If you can successfully balance the two, go for it.

Side note: If you and your fellow Junior Officers do it right, your first Fleet tour in a squadron can and will top any frat experience.



American_Ace said:
Alright, I would like to join a frat, but I don't know if I'll be able to balance a frat with AFROTC...........

Hey Ace!!! No problem !!! Just be a professional "Frat-rat" instead of a pilot. Or a military officer. Or a man. :jump2_125 :icon_rast :icon_long

Some of my contemporaries could not maintain that balance, either. Where are they today ....... the World wonders. I think, with the conundrum you have positioned for yourself --- the choice is easy. Be all that you can be --- be a Fraternity Man. It's definitely NOT a job --- it's an adventure. :icon_zbee :jump_125: :icon_zbee :jump_125:


Ahhhhh, YEAS !!! FIJI ... my old haunt. The place where military officers are made ---NOT born !!


P-8 Bubba
I was in a social fraternity... lifestyle not condusive to military/academics that's for sure. If you're going to join one make sure you put your academics and rotc as your priorities before any frat stuff. sometimes initiation activities can keep you up all night long before tests or <gasp> 6am PT!


Registered User
My advice.... test out the first semester or two... then if you feel you do have the time to devote yourself to the whole greek thing without sacrificing other priorities... then rush... there is no rule saying you have to join a fraternity right away.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
I will just agree with much of the above you have to weigh your options carefully. Trust me squadron life as a lt/ensign will eclipse any frat experience (think college but with a good paycheck, a job and the world is your playground) We didnt have Frats at my school but there were other similar distractions that I wont go into


Registered User
I'm in a fraternity. One of my fraternity "brothers" is prior-enlisted, active duty Army. Now that he's in school, he is not only in Army ROTC, but also the Texas National Guard. So yes, its possible to balance.


Spy Navy
American_Ace said:
BTW, hazing is still legal in AZ.

So, this would be a good reason to join a frat.... I just graduated from the U of A, and as far as I know, hazing was a huge issue there, and something I always saw discussed in the Daily Wildcat. Maybe there's no AZ law against it, but I don't think any college looks on it kindly. I know a couple of Navy guys who are/were in frats, and one mid who is in a sorority. I think it just depends on you remembering your priorities. A lot of the frat guys I knew ended up getting kicked out of NROTC for the failure to do that. But if you want both, there's no reason you can't. Good luck.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
AS far as the Marine Corps goes you dont want hazing on your record at all. I was at TBS when some idiot videotaped a bloodwinging and it ended up on some 60 miinutes clone, very bad news.
About that time one of my former freshmen from Norwich was suing the school for hazing and I almost had to go testify (might have been the end of my commision) but it all worked out so be careful


A-Pool Junkie
Gee, Scooter, frats were banned in the sixties. Times have changed in the past thirty years, Tomash. We no longer swill sherry and screw goats for fun anymore.

Future Herc Driver

About to start Tac phase in the Herc.
Its a fraternity, not a frat, you wouldnt call your country a c*nt would you? It is definitely possible to do the greek thing and be in ROTC. If you join early enough in your college career you will get through the crappy pledging part before your ROTC committment gets too tough, by then you would be able to get away with missing fraternity stuff over your ROTC stuff. I was the Wing Commander my senior year plu sdoing a senior thesis and had to go inactive with the fraternity, it pissed people off, but I had a pilot slot to hold on to and the fraternity wasnt going to be paying me for the next 10 years. Just balance your priorities and you will be ok. Rush SigEp.


I'm in NROTC and also in a frat -- I don't have a problem managing my time. I'm an officer in the frat so I have work that I have to do from time to time, but you gotta know what your priorities are: mine is to get a pilot slot. So when it comes down to studying for a test or playing beer pong... I'm gonna study. One thing I did was I waited till my second semester to pledge... May help you balance time a little better, because spring semester is a lot less hectic than fall semester, at Auburn anyway.


A MAN HAS GOT TO KNOW HIS LIMITATIONS ...... (quote: Dirty Harry)

FutureNavyPilot said:
I'm in NROTC and also in a frat -- I don't have a problem managing my time ........ I'm an officer in the frat .... but you gotta know what your priorities are: mine is to get a pilot slot.

There you go, FutureNav.... good call on your part. A man has to know his limitations, whether it is in college or Naval Aviation. I am a little concerned for someone who openly questions his ability to manage time from the get-go, however. It was in that vein I offered my silly, somewhat cynical earlier observation(s).

I have seen guys on both sides of the equation. I knew some good "BOYS" (caps mine) who did not make it through NROTC and/or college --- and that was with the added pressure of something called a "war" and something called a "draft". But in reality, they probably would not have made "it" in any case --- with or without the distractions they claimed as a part of fraternity life. I think sometimes the Fraternity was used as an excuse for a more general immaturity on the part of some ..... ???

And then, there are and were some good "MEN" (caps, again) who can handle the Fraternity, NROTC, and college with aplomb and sang-froid, would you not agree? Which would you want as your crewmember ...... ??
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