Originally posted by grouch
kimphil, you do realize the lamentation of the women come from the Mongols raping there conquest. These sounds will become all too familiar to you when your job goes the way of the UAV. It will happen if for no other reason than politics. There is a lot of money to be made with any new military technology and a sizeable chunck of it will find it's way to the pockets of our elected officials. At that time you and the Mongol's conquest will see things in much the same light, "rape, if ya can't do anything about it, might as well just sit back and enjoy the ride."
While my political sensitivities make me cringe at your rape comment, you're right about the politics. Who looks to be the biggest player in the UAV and UCAV market? Boeing. As we know, they can't make fighters worth crap (to avoid flames, all the current fighters Boeing makes were developed by companies that it acquired). With their deep pockets, I'm sure they'll push for UAVs and UCAVs more than, e.g. Lockheed Martin (the F-22 and F-35 contractor).
As far as boats getting smaller, that will happen. However, the Navy has a lot invested in its current CV fleet, and unless it is just plain cheaper to retire our current boats and replace them with new ones (possible, but I believe unlikely), the current boats will just be retrofitted with new tech. After all, the newer CVs are scheduled to be decommissioned after 2040, aren't they?
Mongol General: ...Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Mongol General: That is good.