Hello all, it has taken me a year to get to this point.
I applied for IP\Intel\IW and I was at the September board at Andrews AirForce Base that everyone said wouldnt happen.
Out of the entire WDC region, only 12 people were selected to meet the board, only 9 of which on the day - showed up. ;/
I read that of the people who went to the board (9) in my region, 39% will be accepted.
I am anxiously awaiting the results, but I wonder what I am up against.
The people who I went in with were all ex-FBI or CIA agents, or some people with connections on the hill.
Not really that high on education though.
What are your credentials?
I am 10 years in IT, team leadership roles for a good 8 years of it, MIS degree, a few entry level certifications, but other than that just an average 32 year old IT Staffer.