you got me on this one
Graduates OCS, waiting to pick up a Flight class
Checks AirWarriors for shits and gigs
Sees June2020 board applicants in panic because their board takes more than 5 days
clicks "reply"
"My children, gather round, and hear the story of "The Great Wait."
Hey guys - I've been keeping up with this forum for awhile now so figured i'd do my part to help with the #roadto155 low scores, but hoping for the best!
Applying: SNA/SNFO
GPA: 3.0
Age: 23
Sex: M
Major: Marketing
Rufio was like why the hell is the October board still active? they usually stop talking to each other a couple of days after the board meets...
105 pages later...
And you need to do your burpees .... some 2310 burpees..Welcome to the club, buy-in's 2 memes...