The bonus for one of the first term Sgts that work for me was $82k. Add on the $10k kicker for extending with a deployable unit, and this guy would have reached the cap of 90 grand. That's $90, TAX FREE, as we were in Afghanistan at the time. He turned it down, much to my sheer, utter dismay. The money, which could very well be life changing if managed/utilized properly, aside, I really wanted this guy to stay because he really was a rockstar. (I also prodded him daily to submit a MECEP package.) He simply had enough, though. Enough of the deployments, barracks inspections, ORM, intrusive leadership from LtCols, Cols, and Generals, vehicle inspections before every weekend, etc, etc, etc. It was simply too much for him, and it's proved too much for a lot of my friends on the officer side, as well.
As a side note: The above situation is one example of where I think we tend to let our Marines down. Not everyone is cut out to be a Marine for 30 years, no matter how far they've walked on water. A certain amount of toeing the party line is part of my job, but if after that they still opt to get out, then am I absolved of all responsibility to them? I say not just no, but fuck no. One thing that I've stressed to my Marines is that they are MY Marines, and I take care of my people. I extend that to after they have left my charge, as well.
I can't think straight. I'm too damn tired. One week, and it's block leave...