Hey Martha, nice to see a bonafide Cryptology Officer on the board. There are four of us selected for cryptology in the 24 April class (2 CTs, 1 ET(me), and 1 civilian). Mind expanding on your answer a little? What makes it so awesome? How long have you been doing the job and what have you liked (and disliked) so far? I know the first duty station is generally dirsup with a year or so getting qualified, followed by 2 or more deployments to operational units to get your feet wet. If you have done this already, what did you think about your assignment?
Also, what was order selection like coming out of OCS? What were the choices, if you were given choices? Do you know anyone that went to Rota?
Sorry to bombard you, I'm just not familiar with the crypto world yet, and CT officers are hard to come by on an aviation forum. :icon_mi_1
Thanks in advance for any info you can provide!
(Whoops, just read your profile, so I know you went through last year)