With IW, I go straight into Intelligence and go straight into support and behind a desk, something like that? I've always dreamed of becoming a "big guy" in the military, but I don't really have the political "mingling" personality that it takes to become up there, so I felt Intel was more for me. Being an SWO does sound exciting, though a lot more work and a lot more out of my comfort zone than probably IW.
I just want to make sure I have all my facts here straight. I haven't really done much research in terms of what IW exactly does and where they station, although that would be a deal-killer for me. I join the Navy so I can go out and travel. If I wanted to stay in one location for years at a time, I would apply for Air Force who I know is looking for CS majors (due to the fact that 2 of my friends in my program are Lieutenants that the AF said to go back to school and get a Masters in CS, so they come to classes in uniform and everything). I believe I know what I'm signing up for, but I would definitely like it if someone told me my view is too much candyland or whatever, I would be perfectly ok with a wakeup call. Or even if some of the facts I have about the jobs are wrong too.
Thanks for all ya'lls help!
A few points (from another IW):
- You need to seriously evaluate why you want a commission in the Navy. Like many new Officers I know, you have a lot of demands and sound awfully eager to soak up the privileges of commissioned service, but I promise you the majority of it is not glamorous, no matter what designator you choose. At the risk of sounding salty, it's not about you, it's about your Sailors, and if you're not joining to lead people first and foremost, I recommend pursuing other options. You will not get every duty station you want, nor every job you want, and you will certainly get pushed beyond your comfort zone from the beginning.
That said, if you can balance all of that, swallow your pride in the beginning, work hard and earn respect, there are few careers more rewarding than this one.
- One of the cool things about the IW community is that there is not a hard and fast career path, like Intel or SWO. This means it's really hard to say what you would do as an IWO. Generally speaking, your first tour is likely at a large IW-centric command where your mission is to study and get qualified (there is a lot to learn). After this, we are encouraged to go 'tactical,' meaning a ship, plane, sub, etc. After that, you could get a Master's (NPS is common). However, as mentioned, there is no set-in-stone career path so your mileage may vary.
I recommend doing your research - the information is out there if you look hard enough - and only apply if you are doing so for the right reasons. I don't mean to sound like a jerk, just want to give a dose of reality.